Benefits of Producing OSHA Training Videos for Medical Offices

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) sets guidelines and compliance standards for businesses across a wide range of industries to ensure the health and safety of the workforce. For medical offices, OSHA training videos can help employees learn how to stay in compliance with practices and expectations that are set by OSHA to ensure their safety. In fact, there are many benefits to introducing OSHA training videos for medical offices. 

Due to the potential risks involved in the medical industry, it’s important to provide essential skills training for staff to ensure they are aware of the risks and know what to do in the event that they face a potential health or safety hazard. Fortunately, technological advancements have made it possible to provide interactive safety training to members of your medical practice with the convenience of remote access, on-demand availability, and engaging quality.

At Beverly Boy Productions we specialize in the production of training videos for virtually any industry including the production of OSHA training videos for medical offices. With more than 20 years of experience and a robust knowledge of healthcare videography, our team has the skills & sophisticated equipment to produce top quality training videos for your practice. Give us a call to learn more about the process of hiring our team, or continue on to learn about the many benefits that you can expect from the decision to implement training in your practice that covers OSHA standards.

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Video Training is Engaging & Entertaining

Too often we see or hear about training programs that lack the very thing that is absolutely vital to keeping your team interested – engagement! Videos that are not engaging for employees are certainly not going to create the memorable training outcomes that you expect. In fact, a lack of entertainment quality or engagement is bound to leave your employees wishing there was more to the training than what you provide. However, professionally produced training videos that incorporate the use of animations, interactive features, gamification and other engaging elements will create the level of viewer retention that you’re looking for.

Video Training Delivers OSHA Safety Lessons in a Safe Environment

Some of the lessons to be taught with OSHA training videos for medical offices are along the lines of potentially dangerous topics and scenarios. For example, chemical exposure safety. To provide this training in-person could be risky for the staff, especially if something were to go wrong. But failure to train staff on safe handling of chemicals and what to do in the event of a hazardous or toxic chemical exposure can have seriously detrimental impacts. With training videos, staff can learn in a virtual environment where there are no serious repercussions if a mistake is made.

Video Training Helps Employees Stay in Compliance

Video Camera

As a medical practice owner, you already know the importance of staying in compliance with OSHA. Practices can get in tremendous trouble, face huge fines, and may even face imprisonment or closure of the practice for failure to maintain proper health and safety standards that are set as part of the OSHA compliance guidelines. However, the use of OSHA training videos for medical offices provides employees with necessary educational training on compliance standards and regulations using strategies like storytelling & interactivity that will help your team recall what they learn and put it into practice. 

Video Training Can Be Used To Simulate Employee Practice

If you think that all OSHA training videos for medical offices are a linear concept in which the options are to play, pause, or stop the video you’re wrong! Technical advances have made video more powerful than ever before. Today’s OSHA training videos are non-linear, featuring a variety of options that improve engagement. In fact, video training can even be used to simulate employee practice of various OSHA standards in health and safety within the medical field presenting unique opportunities for employees to immerse themselves into simulations that present real world tasks, branching scenarios, and gamification for increased motivation.

Medical Business Laptop

Non-Linear Video Training Presents Unique Assessments to Test Employee Knowledge

One of the greatest benefits of producing OSHA training videos for medical offices is the fact that technology makes it possible to produce non-linear training videos which present unique assessments to test employee knowledge. Safety training is vital for your medical practice, as is maintaining OSHA compliance. You need to know that your employees are not only gaining the training that they need, but that they’re understanding it and they can recall it later on. In-video interactive assessments including quizzes, true and false questionnaires, and matching exercises as well as the use of branching and unique problem-solving opportunities present unique assessments that allow you to test the knowledge of your staff while they train.

There’s no shortage of physical proof that training videos are capable of presenting some of the most powerful, and beneficial, training to teams in today’s medical offices. In fact, OSHA training videos for medical offices make training engaging, entertaining, and most of all efficient throughout your practice to ensure improvements in your employees’ ability to understand and to maintain OSHA standards and compliance guidelines. 

Ready to produce OSHA training videos for medical offices that you own or operate? Give Team Beverly Boy a call!