How Training Videos in Power and Utilities Industry are Being Used to Develop Competitive Advantages

The utilities and power industries are incredibly complex by all means, and while regulators tend to have plenty to say about how these companies operate, when it comes to training each organization has the opportunity to pick and choose programs that are best for them. As more technology infiltrates these organizations, so too do positive advances in corporate training. In fact, training videos in the power and utilities industry are now being used to develop competitive advantages by improving learner understanding across a variety of complex topics. 

From providing visual demonstrations and examples for reviewing processes to teaching field technicians how they can actively report issues and estimate repairs, training videos in the power and utilities industry are increasingly gaining popularity. Not only is video an incredibly valuable tool for learning, it’s flexibility and availability make it ideal for the power and utilities companies particularly because video can be used to train large, remote groups of employees.

Just checkout these top ways that training videos in the power and utilities industry are currently being used to develop competitive advantages over other industries and organizations.

Training Videos are Being Used to Visually Demonstrate Processes

The use of video to demonstrate processes used by energy and utility companies has rapidly grown in recent years. Today, visual demonstrations of the various processes and how each process works to ensure the regulated compliance of various products or services provided by these major organizations represent a key element of the training that is provided to each newly hired trainee. 

Through training videos that represent visual demonstrations of processes, employees are also able to figure out where processes require improvement for greater efficiency and accuracy or enhanced safety. These videos are also utilized for teaching appropriate safety protocols especially for areas where on-site demonstration is particularly challenging due to the risks and potential hazards should something go wrong. 

Training Videos are Being Used to Provide Technical Knowledge

As population continues to grow and resources, especially limited natural resources, continue to dwindle, training videos provide essential technical knowledge and skills coverage that employees need in order to draw out every last ounce of energy available. A constant focus on reducing production costs, minimizing resource expenditure, and finding and improving opportunities to scale the resources we have requires constant evolution of knowledge that is as complex as the PhDs that spend their lifetime acquiring it. 

Training videos in the power and utilities industry are now being used to capture the knowledge of those PhDs and provide technical training to the next in line generation to ensure continued preservation, regulatory adaptation, and consistent sharing of information among those within the organization. With training videos, technical writing and expert opinions are easily preserved and presented to the next members of the organization.

Training Videos are Being Used Train Field Technicians on Reporting

The utility companies rely heavily on reporting throughout their organization and from each member of their team both in office and in the field. As processes continue to evolve, and technology grows more complex, reporting challenges are an everyday occurrence. The importance on proper reporting, particularly for field technicians who must cover every data point and problem, are now being trained on reporting processes and procedures with video.

Continued technical complexity has made training videos a welcome opportunity for field specialists and technicians to learn the importance of reporting, how to handle repair issues in the field, and where to incorporate immediate repairs despite other potential challenges which may arise on the job. Technicians are learning all of this, as well as how they too can utilize video to capture and document in-field issues to reduce the impact of reporting errors.

Training Videos are Being Used to Improve Safety Training 

Naturally, the utility and energy companies are getting on-board with the safety training videos trend just like many other large scale operations and organizations. The use of safety training videos in the power and utilities industry ensures that employees are provided with easy to follow, detailed information about the processes and procedures that they must follow in order operate in a manner that is safe for everyone involved.

While safety training has always been a key element of working in the utilities industry, OSHA compliance regulations have made it very clear that employee safety training is more than just leaving a training manual in the employee breakroom or on an employee’s desk or choosing to hold an occasional training session with a group. Employees in the power and utilities industry need more than just access to a textbook or manual, especially when it comes to learning incredibly complex information such as is required in these fields.

Training videos in the power and utilities industry make it easy for the organization to provide essential coverage of training materials as well as to monitor who has completed training and how employees have engaged with training. Beverly Boy Productions produces training videos that can be easily watched by employees in the field, from home, or from the office. Give us a call to learn more about producing training videos that can be used throughout your organization to teach, train, and educate your employees.