Common Types of YouTube Videos for Business Growth

If you want to experience true growth of your business, you’ve got to use video marketing to your advantage. In fact, creating videos for YouTube videos for business is one of many ways that you can begin to grow your brand stronger, more prominent, and more profitable. With several categories in which video content can be unloaded to the internet giant YouTube, business owners really can’t go wrong if they just focus on their audience.

These are the most common types of YouTube videos for business growth which tend to work throughout most industries.  Check each of these major styles of YouTube videos out and consider the various options that exist to utilize each in your own marketing and advertising scenarios. 

For help producing Youtube videos for business, give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We can’t wait to put our more than two decades of experience to work for your brand.

youtube marketing tip

YouTube Live Videos

If you haven’t jumped onto the YouTube live bandwagon, you’re leaving tons of opportunity on the table. In fact, if you’re not engaging in live video streaming for your business on a regular basis, you’re missing out on a very large audience. More than ever before, audiences are looking to interact with the businesses and brands that they love and this means that they want to engage with your business via livestream.

YouTube Live videos give business owners the opportunity to actively engage their audience in live Q&A sessions, polls, games, or other events. They’re a great way to keep an audience hyped up and they work well for hosting events such as conferences, shows, or concerts. Anyone with access to YouTube can engage in a livestream, making it an easy to utilize option for customized engagements among your audience and you brand.

Keep in mind, YouTube videos for business that engage the YouTube live feature do lack the customized branding that is available with other third party streaming platforms. If you’re looking for a fully customizable, no-holds barred live streaming platform that will allow your business to highlight its corporate branding and customized access features, you’ll have to utilize a paid third-party livestreaming platform other than YouTube Like.

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YouTube Video Advertising

As a business owner that’s trying to grow awareness and conversions for your brand, YouTube video advertising has a lot of features that can assist you. From their ability to be customized for presentation in front of a very specific business audience and the short, but powerful delivery options, YouTube video ads are incredibly valuable for business owners.

If you’re unsure about YouTube video ads or what you can do to engage this form of advertising to boost your business, consider seeking the support of a professional. YouTube creators can engage YouTube video ads to boost their business. Running various ad types, through an initial or remarketing campaign on YouTube can dramatically increase presence for your business and may increase your conversions too.

There are a variety of different YouTube video marketing ads including:

  • YouTube Discovery Ads
  • YouTube Outstream Ads
  • YouTube Bumper Ads
  • YouTube TrueView In-Stream Ads

Visit your YouTube Creator page to learn more about the various YouTube video adverting options that are available to help you grow your business to new heights.

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YouTube In-Channel Video Ads

Different from all the other types of YouTube videos, YouTube In-Channel videos present your brand in front of a target audience and require a very specific approach. These videos can be uploaded to your YouTube channel as a way of getting your business recognized across the platform and they act as an attraction to your target audience helping you to show up in the search engines and in Google searches. 

These are the videos that most businesses know about as they are what makes up the YouTube channel and they are the videos that you have probably subscribed to from other businesses or brands. Hosting a wide variety of these types of videos is the approach that most businesses take to building their brand online. 

As you can see, if you’re going to build your business and attempt to use YouTube as a means of generating extreme growth for your brand, you’ve got several options. While producing in-channel videos is the most common method of growing a business or brand on the platform, there are other options too. 

Business owners that employ all three options when it comes to the use of YouTube video content to grow their business are most likely to generate the highest overall business growth. Following along with the creation of a wide variety of YouTube videos including those that you can post to your channel as well as YouTube live videos and YouTube video advertisements will help you to get your business in front of the largest potential audience giving you the greatest chance to grow your business or brand.

Need help producing YouTube video content that will make your brand stand out? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We’ll put more than two decades of experience to work in growing your business through YouTube videos that represent your brand!