Quick Tips on Hosting Events for Your Business Online

Do you want to host virtual events for your business to grow your community and scale conversions? Hosting events for your business online is a widely used marketing technique that can help you achieve huge conversions in very little time, but you’ve got to know what you’re doing. The best business events are successful because of the planning and execution behind them. We’re offering up some tips on hosting events for your business in the virtual world.

Virtual Conference

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Consider the Platform You Will Use

What type of event will you host for your business? Webinars are great for content that will take upwards of 30 minutes or more to deliver, but you’ll have to take ample time to grow your audience and generate following for this form of event.

Likewise, social live streams represent a way to increase engagement for your brand online with minimal effort. Consider Facebook Live, Instagram Live or other live stream services to achieve up to 6 times more engagement versus the release of a standard video.

Virtual conferences and networking events are another option when it comes to hosting events for your business online. These are more formal and include a mix of live streaming, chatrooms, and interactive events over the span of several hours or days.

Consider hiring a professional to help you host a virtual conference for your business, Beverly Boy Productions can explain all the details involved.

Virtual face-to-face meetings

Get Started with a Game Plan

Remember how we said the best virtual events are a success because of the planning and execution behind them? Whether you’re hosting a huge convention online or a quick live stream, the planning that goes into hosting events for your business will play a key role in the success.

Before you host an event, make sure you answer the following questions:

-What is the goal of the event?

-How will I promote the event?

-When will the event take place?

-What kind of content will be hosted?

-When will people access the event? Will access be available post-event?

-Will the event have a VIP option or registration requirement?

-How will I track the success of the event?

Virtual Event Video Production

Always Expect the Unexpected

Even if you’ve prepared for what you believe is everything that could possibly happen when hosting events for your business, you need to expect the unexpected. Prepare for the potential for technical difficulties. When hosting events for your business online, the potential for a technical hiccup is always possible.

Consider things like, lost internet connection, backed out keynote speakers, wonky file uploads, and various other possibly problems that may arise.

Tech Savviness 

Make sure you’re tech savvy or that you have someone tech savvy by your side to help out in the event that something unexpected occurs during your event– because the chances for something to go wrong are almost 100%.

Hiring a professional to help you host events for your business will reduce the risk of many of these possible problems. At Beverly Boy Productions, we think of all these tiny, unexpected issues in advance and have backup solutions prepared before the big event. T

his way, if anything does go wrong, we’ve got a plan B, and Plan C in place immediately to keep going.

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Engage & Encourage

Don’t just expect people to engage with your event automatically. Create opportunities for your event attendees to engage and practice engagement with the audience. The best events are engaging and fun for attendees.

Use interactive video and virtual quizzes to keep viewers actively engaged with the content you’re delivering. Encourage live interaction between audience members and be open to suggestions and ready to change on the fly adapting to the audience for best results.