Top Video Trends in 2024 Coming to a Business Near You

If you’re a business owner that’s thinking about video and how you can engage video or introduce it into your marketing campaigns for 2024, you’re not alone. In fact, many are wondering what to expect in regards to how video will be used in 2024 across top brands and businesses. We think these top video trends in 2024 are likely to be prominent in many businesses as the industry continues to grow with brands increasing video advertising budgets, using PTZ cameras to produce more video content than ever before, and engaging in video for many day-to-day operations. 

These are the top video trends in 2024 that we expect to see across businesses worldwide:

Businesses will Continue to Increase Video Output 

According to recent studies, marketers intend to improve their time to market for video content by 53% while increasing their overall output of video content by 44% in 2024. Brands are expected to increase ad spend on video by 23% over the prior year to account for about $278B and will surpass the $300B point for the first time ever across all industries. Much of this will be on video.

Video will Be Used in More Day-to-Day Operations

From onboarding and training of remote workforces, to the use of video to communicate with existing customers or engage audiences on social media, video will be used in more day-to-day operations by brands and businesses both large and small in 2024. In fact, we expect to see brands using video more frequently across the board both as support for existing employees and new hires in-house or in remote locations as well as for marketing and advertising to reach worldwide audiences. 

Live Video Continues to Top the Charts

While live video currently accounts for about 17% of all internet traffic, this $247B industry is expected to continue to draw interest throughout 2024 and into the next several years. Live video is definitely going to be one of the top video trends in 2024 for a number of reasons: live streams earn 27% higher views and 80% of consumers prefer live video over other forms of video content.

Vlogging Continues to Thrive

If you don’t follow at least a handful of Vloggers, are you even online? The Vlog industry is insanely popular, accounting for daily views from 44% of internet users. YouTube claims 5B videos are watched daily, many of them are Vlogs. If you think it seems like everyone is vlogging these days, it’s because it’s kind of true. There are vlogs for everything from funny couples to relationships to travel and lifestyle to money saving, money spending, you name it, there’s a vlog that portrays it.  If you think you’re too late to ride the gravy train – think again! Not only is the vLog here to stay, there’s still plenty of audiences and interest out there.

Video will Be Produced with More Consistency

Marketers are going to face some challenges in 2024 as brands are going to focus more than ever before on creating some consistency with their video production and overall video marketing efforts. Teams are stating they not only intend to be more consistent with their video marketing, but 85% say they will create new branded video content monthly, 40% say they will do so weekly, and 17% are optimistic about producing new video content on a daily basis. 

Just think about what this is going to do. While it’s great for brands to get some consistency in their video production and marketing efforts, it’s going to create substantially more competition for brands as more and more videos are introduced to the market. We see businesses being forced to work harder, come up with stronger topics and ideas, and definitely needing the help of a video production professional not only to maintain this level of consistency, but also a level of professional production output that will withhold in such a competitive environment.

Brands are Going to Diversify Their Video Use

Videos are going to be about more than just the occasional branded ad or vlog. Businesses are going to diversify their video use to approach multiple audiences and achieve multiple gains through the use of video for everything from customer service and satisfaction to the use of video for employee training and remote communications as well as video for a plethora of marketing initiatives including building brand awareness, increasing brand recognition and authority, and generating sales. 

For brands that are just getting started with video, a rapid approach will be required in order to not only catch up, but to stay in-line with the competition. Increasing consumer demand for video means that brands are going to have to deliver faster, more professionally, and more efficiently than ever before. If you’re worried about finding time to revamp your video marketing strategy, you’ve probably already missed the bus in terms of getting in front of your competitor. There’s literally no time to waste. 

What are the top video trends in 2024 that you expect to see?