What are Talking Head Videos?

Whether you’re a professional business owner, a YouTuber, or a teacher, you’ve almost certainly seen talking head videos while reviewing the various types of video footage that are common across your industry. Talking head videos are a trend that is seen across many industries including corporate marketing, education, and a variety of others, but exactly what are talking head videos and what are they useful for? 

This is a question that comes up frequently, particularly as more and more talking head videos seem to emerge across the internet. Viewed as an excellent means of engaging the audience and a powerful opportunity to share different types of data and detail, talking head videos are common in both B2B and B2C marketing, but why?

What are Talking Head Videos?

Talking head videos are a style of video in which the key action on the screen is an individual that is just talking, seemingly as they look directly into the camera.  There are times when the talking head video involves the subject sitting to the side of the camera just a bit rather than directly in the center of the frame, but the overall view is very much the same regardless of placement it’s still just a face, on a screen, void of any other real action or focus.

Some talking head videos feature multiple subjects, generally still with only one subject on camera at a time while talking. For instance, a talking head video might be made for a case study interview such that there are multiple subject matter experts that speak about a topic, one speaker on camera at a time. 

When there are multiple people involved in a talking head video, there are times where more than one person is on camera talking, but too many people on screen at a given time can make the video difficult to follow and it could come off as being overly crowded. For this reason, talking head videos typically have just one individual speaking on screen at a time, or in some cases, there will be 2-3 speakers on screen together, but each takes a turn talking to minimize any feeling of crowding on camera.

Where is the Interviewer in a Talking Head Video?

Lighting Setup

Talking head videos are basically interview-style videos that feature a speaker who is typically answering questions that were asked by an interviewer. However, the interviewer is not visible on the screen in a traditional talking head video. Instead, the interviewer sits off-screen, and the interviewee is the only individual visible in the frame answering any questions or otherwise speaking on camera.

Important Considerations when Filming Talking Head Videos 

The rise of the internet, business owners with their own cameras, and an increase in the number of DIY video creators has created some important points that we think should be addressed when it comes to talking head videos. So, “what are talking head videos doing wrong?”

It’s not the video itself doing anything wrong, it’s either the camera crew, the lack of a camera crew, or the speaker that will make mistakes with the talking head video. For example, DIY-video creators have mistakenly decided that talking head videos require only two things: a working camera, and a speaker. But, this couldn’t be more wrong!

The problem with a single camera talking head video that lacks a professional quality is that it can come out flat, uninteresting, and really not engaging at all. You see, there’s more to producing talking head videos than just a single camera and a speaker!

Professional Talking Head Videos 

Professionally produced talking head videos utilize a multiple camera setup, even if it’s just a two-camera setup it’s better than a single camera view, for sure! They also use various other equipment that will make the video stand out and create a better user experience. For example:

  • Professional talking head videos often use 2-3 cameras in order to create multiple views of the subject to keep audience interest.
  • Professional talking head videos include lighting that can make the footage appear more dramatic or professionally planned. Lighting can be used to create a look as if there is a window nearby or to otherwise dramatize the subject.
  • Professional talking head videos include more than just talking heads – they include b-roll footage that creates a more dynamic approach to storytelling rather than just a single speaker sharing their story.
  • Professional talking head videos use varied depth of field in order to create distance between the video camera and the subject.
  • Professional talking head videos incorporate camera movements including panning and tilting to create additional points of movement that build interest into otherwise static scenes.

So, what are talking head videos and why should you consider hiring a professional like Beverly Boy Productions to assist you with the production of talking head videos that you intend to use for your business? Talking head videos are really any interview-style videos that showcase the subject on camera talking, but with the support of a professional film crew, talking head videos have the power to be interesting, engaging, and incredibly powerful content for your brand!