5 Reasons to Consider Webcast Production with Team Beverly Boy

Remote webcasting is a rapidly growing trend among businesses and brands that are interested in leveraging technology to expand their reach and deliver key messages to a remote audience. Depending on your business, webcasting can be used for a variety of purposes including internal communications and for external training or promotion. If you’re thinking about hosting a webcast that engages a remote audience, you’ve come to the right place. Checkout these top 5 reasons to consider webcast production with Team Beverly Boy for your live stream.

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1. Professional Quality for Your Audience

The most important reason to consider webcast production with a professional team like Beverly Boy Productions is the quality. Sure, you could grab a tripod and a camera and, in theory, you could produce a webcast — but it certainly won’t be the quality that you should desire for your audience. In fact, DIY webcasts are rarely as effective and engaging as professionally produced webcasts can be.

Team Beverly Boy will focus on all of the important details required to ensure a professional webcast is delivered to your viewers. Our webcast production services include the planning, production, and post-production editing required to produce top quality, professional webcasts that will amaze your audience.

2. Multiple Camera Angles

You might be thinking, what does multiple camera angles have to do with a webcast? However, if you’re hosting your webcast on your own, having more than one camera angle will probably not be possible! The purpose of multiple camera angles is to shift between one view and the other to allow for emphasis, change or to otherwise create a more dramatic effect for your audience.

But, achieving all of these camera angles and switching the view that your audience has requires a switcher and several cameras as well as multiple camera operators. This is where webcast production with Team Beverly Boy comes into play!

3.  Lighting for a Professional Appearance on Screen

Poor lighting or lighting that is directed in the wrong ways can lead to an incredibly amateur looking production. As a business owner, you don’t want your webcast to appear “low quality” or “amateur” do you? Of course not!

Your lighting has a lot to do with how your video is perceived by your audience. Great lighting can be used to improve the overall quality appearance of your footage and it can be used to produce drama and to increase the emotional connection that is developed between your speaker and your audience. But, professional quality stage lighting isn’t cheap and it’s not easy to pull off — you’ll need a professional!

4. Technical Difficulties are a Thing of the Past

Camera Man

That’s right! When you choose webcast production with Team Beverly Boy, you’re going to bypass any technical difficulties that may have once been prevalent with your productions and you’re going to have a smooth, seamless webcast that is successfully delivered to your remote audience.

Professional webcast production teams like ours know the importance of testing and retesting all equipment prior to the production, checking out various potential problems in advance, and practicing to ensure the production is 100% what we want it to be.

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5. Access to Everything Necessary for a Professional Production

Finally, choosing webcast production with Team Beverly Boy means you’ll have access to all of the equipment and professional crew that are required to produce a professional webcast. Instead of webcasting to your audience with amateur equipment or attempting to hire a freelancer that knows a little bit about webcast production, hire Team Beverly Boy and we’ll bring more than two decades of experience and top quality professional filmmaking equipment to your project. You can’t go wrong!