Why Should I Choose a Video Creator Near Me?

You know you need videos to succeed with your marketing campaigns, there’s really no question. You’ve heard the statistics, all of them – from the 500 billion hours of YouTube consumed each day to the countless hours of video uploaded online to the conversion rates and improvements in ROI that businesses see with their video marketing.

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You don’t doubt any of it, but you’re budgeting as a small business and trying to decide, “Why should I choose a video creator near me?” What makes that any different than any other option? We get it!

At Beverly Boy Productions, we get asked frequently why someone should consider our services versus someone from Upwork or some other freelance site that claims to provide great, professional quality video production for a fraction of the price.

Let’s Get Started

We’d love to have this conversation with you personally. Give us a call to learn more about what makes our services so valuable. But really, why choose a video creator near me versus a freelance video creator on some open site like Upwork?

What’s the difference anyway? We set out to answer that exact question.

It All Starts with Control

We all want to know where our money goes and why. Especially when we’re talking about a project that may cost several thousand or even tens of thousands of dollars.

When you choose a local video creator, someone with roots in the area, you maintain a higher level of control over the outcome of your project.

This means that you can drop-in to meet with your production crew and discuss the project face-to-face when you want to. It also means that there will be fewer instances of important data or discussion points getting lost in translation.

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Choosing a local video creator provides you a level of flexibility that may not be afforded by choosing someone overseas or a freelance video production professional from an internet site.

Most of the time, when you work with someone that offers their services solely online through a freelance site, you have to adhere to specific guidelines that they have set forth for those projects.

They may not have the flexibility to perform the work at a schedule that is best for you, and they may not offer the additional professional level of service that you would expect from a large scale project.

Reduced Costs

Now you’re probably thinking, “If I choose a video creator near me, won’t it cost more than if I were to hire freelancers overseas?” But hear us out. Sometimes, hiring the wrong person for the job will lead to substantially higher overall costs than you would have expected.

In fact, you may find yourself paying to fix the project that you started and you could even find yourself behind schedule or potentially  having to start over.

Hiring someone local means you will also save on any potential travel costs associated with bringing the production crew to your office to produce corporate video content. Likewise, if you hire a local video creator, you can save on travel costs both for you, and for the crew.

BBP Cinematographer

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Help the Local Community

Finally, you may not initially think about this, but by choosing to hire a local video creator, you keep the revenue in your own hometown or local community. You’re helping another business in your community which is a blessing.

More than ever before, consumers are conscious of how they spend their money and they look at ways of keeping their spending local — so, if for nothing else, when you ask, “Why should I choose a video creator near me?”

Think about keeping your project local and the value that your revenue will bring to another local business — in the end, it’s all about helping each other out! Want to hire a local video creator? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808

We’ve got offices throughout the United States and worldwide to serve you locally, in major cities around the globe.