How to Make a Marketing Video for Pest Control

The pest control services industry is incredibly competitive, and for good cause. Pest control is something that is ongoing, monthly, rain or shine and homeowners taking pest control very seriously as they don’t want unwanted pests in their homes. Traditional marketing for a pest control services business included things like text based ads, static images, and print media, but today’s pest control businesses that are serious about generating leads are looking to learn how to make a marketing video for their pest control services. 

If you’re tired of door-to-door sales and you’re wondering how to make a marketing video for pest control services that you provide, you’re definitely not alone! What if we told you that videos are 50 times more likely to result in first page organic rankings compared to static images or text based ads? A simple marketing video for your pest control services business could set your brand apart from the competition increasing engagement, converting visitors to paying clients, and driving up revenue for your brand.

Step 1: Define Your Video Marketing Goals

What is it that you wish to achieve with your pest control video? Are you trying to generate new customer leads? Do you want to create awareness for your brand in a new area? Are you trying to generate repeat clients? Do you want to inform existing customer about other services that you offer?

A common mistake that businesses make when they get started with video marketing is that they can create a single, catch-all video that targets a mass audience and serves multiple purposes. However, this isn’t really ideal and rarely works. You’re better off choosing a niche specific goal that you can achieve with your video – and if you’re trying to achieve several goals through video marketing, consider creating multiple videos to accommodate your prospects or customers at various stage of the purchase cycle from awareness to decision making, conversion to repeat client.

Step 2:  Define Your Audience

Who are you trying to reach with your marketing video? Are you trying to reach new prospects that are just moving into the area and might require pest control services? Are you trying to reach prospects in an entirely new area that you have marketed before? Are you trying to reach existing clients to provide details on new services that you offer or a discount on existing monthly plans? 

Your target audience should align with your video marketing goals. Make sure that you are considering your target audience very carefully, and that you’re planning your content based on:

  • Who you’re speaking to.
  • What their needs are or what their struggles are.
  • What stage of the purchase cycle they are in.
  • How you can help them.

Step 3:  Define Video Type & Length

Learning how to make a marketing video for pest control services that you provide is all about planning each of these important areas of concern ahead of time. Defining the appropriate video type and length is important to the success of your marketing campaign. Make sure that you consider:

  • Whether you’re producing an awareness style video such as a how-to, instruction guide, or an explainer video.
  • Whether you are producing a conversion type video such as customer testimonials or case studies that prove your past success with other clients.
  • Whether you are producing a decision making video such as a service demo to help those who are considering pest control to understand your offering.

It’s also important to consider where you will share your video. This will play a key role in determining length. Videos that are shared on YouTube or your own website could be a bit longer than those on social media, but as a general rule, most marketing videos for pest control businesses are between 1 and 2 minutes long. 

Step 4:  Work with a Professional Film Crew

film crew

The next step is to hire a professional film crew that can assist you with the filming and editing process. While you might instinctively think that you can handle the production on your own, it’s very important to consider working with a professional to ensure top quality of your marketing videos. Producing a video that lacks quality will send the message to your audience that your business might also lack quality. 

Hiring a professional video production company, such as Beverly Boy Productions, will help you take the stress out of producing a professional marketing video so that you can focus on distribution, promotion of the video, and measuring the results of your campaign.

Step 5:  Distribute Video & Measure Results

Once you’ve got your video ready to share, distribution is key. Consider sharing on your website, in your email campaigns, on social media, and on your landing pages. Distributing your video to multiple channels will maximize your reach and influence potentially higher conversions for your campaign.

It’s also important to apply tracking metrics to measure the success of your video marketing efforts. Learning how to make a marketing video for pest control that includes monitoring the success of your efforts will help you to gauge how effective your strategy was and come up with ways that you could improve or otherwise benefit from future video marketing initiatives. Consider tracking metrics such as views, shares, sales, service calls, organic rankings or any other metrics that directly apply to the original goals of your video marketing initiatives.