Top 10 Beverly Boy Productions Reviews

We have assembled our choice for the top 10 Beverly Boy Productions reviews. These video reviews allow our potential clients to gain first hand insight by hearing directly from current Beverly Boy clients. We selected these reviews based on various criteria including but not limited too; viability, common projects produced, personality and cultural diversity, as well as contrasting industries. Some were filmed inside of our clients homes, or offices, some filmed outside in the natural air. While others were shot on location before, during or after a production. We hope these video case studies provide you with an inside look and clear understanding of what it is like to work with Beverly Boy Productions. for more information see our post 7 reasons to hire Beverly Boy Productions.  

#1 Beverly Boy Productions Reviews – Dusti

Originally when I first started to research production companies and video producers, I was doing a lot of Google and a lot of, web searches.  I actually came upon Beverly Boy productions website, was so impressed with the content and the diversity that I had.  When I contacted Beverly Boy Productions, I got a response almost immediately.  We went through a lot of communications with the producer.  Um, she was very, very diligent when I would say, hey, listen, we need to get this approved and then, well, we’re going to hold off on the project now and now, OK, now we’re moving forward.  Well we want to change the project a little bit this way.  My experience with Beverly Boy Productions I think is a little bit of a unique situation.  We had six different videos that we were going to shoot in five different locations. 

Beverly Boy filmed for us in different cities.

Worldwide camera crew hire

We filmed in Toronto, Boston, Chicago, LA, Houston and, of course, New York City.  We shot five of those locations in two weeks.  Everything from logistics on, building insurance to the camera crews to, helping with questions and directions from the producer was spot on every single city that we went to every single time.  Everything was so reassuring to me that I had made the right choice in hiring Beverly Boy Productions that I left every single shoot so happy and ecstatic and really excited to see the final product.  Beverly Boy Productions hands down made me look great in front of everyone that I showed these videos. 

I would highly recommend Beverly Boy Productions to anybody looking for any sort of video production at all whatsoever.  Everything that they do is quality.  There is nothing like it out there.  There’s just so much that I can say from the response time to the editing, to text messaging with the producers to say, listen, you know, I think that maybe we could do it this way.  Um, if you want a quality production, you’ll hire Beverly Boy Productions. This is Dustis’ entry for our Top 10 Beverly Boy Productions reviews.

#2 Beverly Boy Reviews – Christian

my name is Christian Boswell.  I’m the executive creative director and president for BFW Advertising here in Boca Raton, Florida.  We’ve been around a while.  We do a lot of work in a lot of different areas from healthcare, um, more than our fair share of pharmaceutical companies.  We work with investment banking, uh, companies like in capital, financial services marketing.  We do technology marketing.  We work with a lot of clients in the power and the power generation industry. 

One of the things we’ve always found about Beverly Boy Productions is they share our vision.  Um, they get what we’re trying to accomplish.  Um, they don’t tell us how technologically they’re going to solve our problem.  They don’t tell us how they’re going to deliver, um, the spot.  They share with us the creation of the spot.  They share in that vision.  They run at problems.  They run at challenges.  Uh, they run full speed this stuff. 

With Beverly Boy we always knew, we’re gonna get what we want.

When you’re shooting something, when you’re trying to create something, you have no idea what it’s going to look like, right?  Just everything is a blank piece of paper until you point a camera at it.  Um, you know, with Beverly Boy, we always knew we’re going to get what we want.  They’re going to make sure that it happens.  They’re going to make it better than what I saw in my mind.  They’re going to keep shooting till it happens and they’re going to over-deliver until we are absolutely 100% ecstatically happy.  And, you know, that’s kind of their value proposition.  That’s their brand promise to their customers. 

They’re not going to tell you that but if you work with them one time, you’ll get it.  That’s what shows up.  There are a lot of places that you can find production companies in, in South Florida, a lot of names out there, but if you’re looking for somebody that is going to work as hard to make your project look as great as you want that project to look in your mind, you don’t really need to look much further than Beverly Boy.  Give them a call, they will make sure your vision shows up on screen just like you wanted it. This is Christians entry for our Top 10 Beverly Boy Productions reviews.

#3 Top Beverly Boy Productions reviews – AAEE

My names is Jessica Pontu and I am the associate director of recruitment and marketing at the Arkansas Academy for Educational Equity.  As the associate director of recruitment and marketing, my job is to attract talented and motivated teachers from across the country to come to Arkansas and teach in districts where we partnered.  Working with Beverly Boy Productions was our first attempt at using video production to elevate our national brand.  Shooting a video that highlighted the work that our equity fellows are doing and also highlighted their experiences seemed like the best, uh, route to take to ensure that the best teachers knew who we were and what we offered. 

Overall, I felt very supported in the process.

When I began the work of looking for a production company, I went to the Internet.  I Googled top-rated video production companies in Central Arkansas.  Beverly Boy populated in the top five and when I clicked on the link, I realized that it was actually a national company that had connections across the country.  The producer reached out to us immediately and spent some time speaking with me trying to find out who we were and what message we were needing support in sending.  So, my producer was very responsive, reached out to me to make sure that I didn’t have any questions, made sure that I was a part of the process in organizing and planning what the shoot looked like.  Overall, I felt very supported in the process.  I felt like my producer had a vested interest in our company and in helping us be successful and really making sure that our message, uh, was being conveyed in a way that resonated with teachers across the country. 

The crew is so willing to go above and beyond

I think I was most impressed with the fact that it was a national company, but they were able to, um, organize a shoot for me, um, seamlessly.  Even though my producer was in another state, it was like he was around the corner because he was just that responsive, that supportive.  Um, communication was, uh, timely and regular and so I was really impressed with, um, the capacity that they seemed to be able to operate in.  My team and I trust Beverly Boy Productions for our important projects because we know that we’re just not another customer.  But everyone from the producer to the crew to the editor is invested in our success and in my experience, the crew is so willing to go above and beyond that it takes a lot of burden off of me of actually having to direct the shoot.  Once they know what we’re doing, they pretty much take over from there and I get to watch the magic happen. 

It’s like our producer is here even though he’s not here

Location has not been an obstacle for my team and in producing our videos because it’s like our producer is here even though he’s not here.  Even being in a different city, he’s able to coordinate our shoot seamlessly.  We have all the information in advance.  Our questions are answered sometimes before we even ask them because he shares that intentional and that support him in the work that he does.  Working with a production company that is honest, reliable and trustworthy really sets us at ease and provides us a peace of mind because we know that our best interests are being considered.  There are several reasons why I would recommend Beverly Boy Productions. 

The producers are responsive and reliable and the crews are hardworking, diligent, passionate about the work that they’re doing.  And ultimately, the end results will be a high-quality, excellent video for your company or organization.  If you want an amazing, high-quality video that will elevate your organization’s brand and reach tens of thousands of potential customers, then you should definitely go with Beverly Boy Productions. This is Jessica’s entry for our Top 10 Beverly Boy Productions reviews.

#4 Reviews for Beverly Boy – Go 2, Zay & Hicks!

Hicks:  Hi, my name’s Danielle Hicks and I am senior director of patient services at the Go 2 Foundation for Lung Cancer.

Zay:  My name is Michelle Zay.  I am the manager of patient services at the Go 2 Foundation for Lung Cancer. 

Hicks:  So, one of the things that we do at the foundation is we provide what we call the Lung Cancer Living Room which is an important education series where we bring key opinion leaders, um, into the room to speak with patients and give patients access to these folks that they wouldn’t otherwise have.  Very shortly after we started, uh, the Lung Cancer Living Room, we decided we needed to bring it to more people and we needed to film it and we needed to live stream it and we needed to really get the information out there.

Zay:  So, I Google searched, um, production companies and Beverly Boy’s Production Company came up, and I reached out, kind of asked questions, hired and in my experience working with Beverly Boy Productions has been so much easier than I thought.

Hicks:  I will say that one of the things that I find most amazing about working with Beverly Boy Products is part of the Living Room is that we, we take it on the road so to speak so we have regional meetings.  So, we need film crews across the country and now outside of the country, and rather than having to Google search in every city we go to, working with Beverly Boy has made it really easy for us because they manage the film crews in all of the cities that we go to.

Zay:   I can ask pretty much anything.  I can get, I can tell them a city and they get back to me immediately.  They do pretty much everything that I need and they make my job effortless on that end.

Hicks:   One of the things, um, I think that makes it so important to work with a company like Beverly Boy Production, um, is you, a lot of things that I personally didn’t think about early on when going on the road, um, such as Wi-Fi and what the bandwidth was like and was there enough in order to do something like, um, like livestreaming.  And the quality, um, of services that we provide to our patient population and really the whole lung cancer community is really important to us.  It’s what’s also really important to us that we have experts behind the scenes being able to execute on the mission and our goals.  But I’m happy to say that since then, a little push for the foundation, um, we have reached 144 countries, um, with about a million views.  If anyone was in the market looking for a, uh, a production team, I would recommend Beverly Boy Productions head over heels, um, before anyone that I can, that I can think of.  They have been absolute professionals and executed on our every need in the most professional way.

Zay:   Reliable — 

Hicks:  Yeah, yeah.

Zay:   Like consistent, yeah.

Hicks:  Always there, we love ‘em.

Zay:   We do, we love ‘em.

#5 Customer Reviews for Team Beverly Boy – Shari

I found Beverly Boy Productions by sheer luck and thank God I did.  I used to vet my own camera crews.  I travel around the country.  I would get assigned to cover an event somewhere, and I would look at the city that I was going into and then I would look online and try and find a camera crew and vet them myself.  And I had a pretty bad experience in of all cities, Atlanta, which surprised me because there’s a lot of big companies there, CNN, TNN so I figured I’d get a good camera guy.  And, yeah, no.  And after that, I thought I have to change how I do things, and I just, I found Beverly Boy Productions online and I called them and I’d never met a more professional organization.  I called them, I told them what I needed, when I needed it, where I needed it and it was there.  My camera crew was there.  It was, it’s been the easiest thing that I’ve ever done.  That was about a year and a half ago, and I’ve never used anybody since. This is Sharis’ entry for our Top 10 Beverly Boy Productions reviews.

I found Beverly Boy in the first 5

The way I found Beverly Boy Productions, I went through an Internet search.  I got to Beverly Boy Productions, they were probably in the first five.  I filled out the form and I put in the information, I put in what I was looking to do.  I got a call back within an hour.

 I’ve had a great experience with Beverly Boy Productions.  They provide quality and consistency with all the work that they do for us.  One of the best things working with Beverly Boy is the quickness of response.  For us, we’re always moving in ten different directions and trying to get a million different things done in one day.  And knowing that Beverly Boy is going to respond almost immediately every time I send out an email is something that really takes the weight off of a lot of decisions and a lot of processes that could take a really long time.  I think it’s something that really makes us continue to work with Beverly Boy time after time after time.

When I need to contact Beverly Boy Productions, I just email them and within less than an hour, sometimes even 30 minutes, sometimes even 15 minutes, I get a reply back.  This is no problem, Shari, we’re coming.  No problem, Shari, we have somebody for you.  I can’t think of using anybody else.  I think if I started using somebody else, my stress level would shoot sky high.  Uh, these guys have made my life so much easier that they’re my go-to people.  I would never think of using anyone else. More customer reviews for Team Beverly Boy.

#6 Client Reviews for Beverly Boy – BG

I came to hear about Beverly Boy Productions from a good friend of mine who works at BFW and I was asking like, do you know of any good production companies, and she just, you know, she just was like dead on confident of saying you have to talk to them.

I’ve been on TV shoots where, you know, the director will be looking to me every second of the shoot and it kind of, uh, I mean you guys know better than I do what’s going to look, what’s going to translate well.  So, I, it, it was just was really easy.

So, it really was putting me at ease that everything was under control.  Um, they seemed to be very good people and resource, everybody from, um, sound to cameras to assistants, makeup to even food service.  I mean it was all under control.

Uh, what we really enjoyed working with Beverly Boy was that even though we had an expedited production time and editing time, they hit the ground running and, uh, we were presented with beautiful spots that were more than we could’ve imagined.

The lighting and the, the final editing I think to just make colors pop and to just make it something like wow, the value of it.

The quality of the photography.

The production was turnkey.  Uh, we, there were no ripples or wrinkles in the production, and, uh, everything, there was a calm on the production sets that we didn’t expect.

As a resource, um, and a partner which is the key point.  I mean in this world today, we all know you have vendors, uh, and it’s very rare that you have true partners as team players that, uh, this is one of those companies that it’s really a partnership.

Turned around virtually over the weekend in editing which was, uh, very generous.

They bring it to another level.  There’s a real polish to the pieces and that, uh, they, and for the price point of it, too, was very efficient, very competitive.  Showing that piece to the client for the final of saying, here’s what we got, here’s what we came up with, I was just really proud and just really blown away and just wanting to call them up and say, how did you do that?

#7 Client Video Reviews for Beverly Boy Productions – Brittany

I found out about Beverly Boy Productions just by Google, and I saw the reviews and I’m like, OK, let me go to the website.  Was at the website, saw the entire video of profile that they have, and I’m like, wow, this is really good quality production.  I’m like, OK, this is what I need, and I also saw companies that I know worked with them before.  So, it made me feel more comfortable.  Seeing Beverly Boy is so dynamic.  Uh, the first time I spoke with the associate producer, I instantly felt some type of ah ha.  He gets what I’m trying to produce. 

That made me feel comfortable.  It was like, OK, this is perfect.  I got to go with this company.  They have people that I know that they work for.  The quality is great, the audio is great.  They have a good background, great ratings.  So, when I initially reached out to Beverly Boy Productions, I was just floored because the response time was so quick.  I was like, hey, all right, this sounds pretty good.  I caught, they returned my phone call.  I spoke with the associate producer the same day.  We started emailing then we set up a date and the rest was history. 

With Beverly Boy Productions I felt that trust.

You have to build a certain amount of trust with the person that you’re working with, and with Beverly Boy Productions, I felt that, I felt that trust.  When Beverly Boy sent me the first cut of my episode, I started to actually tear up a bit because it went from in my mind to down to paper to video.  And I actually saw my vision come to life, and it took a lot for me just to kind of hold back the tears that I can actually watch video, but, you know, the drone shots, the transitions, the audio, of course, and just the shots itself and the way that it was filmed just really, really, really captured exactly what I wanted.  So, I’m very, very happy. 

I would definitely hire Beverly Boy for future projects.  I, I think we have a, a rapport now where we’re like, OK, this is how she works, this is how they work, this is what she likes, this is what type of food she likes.  So, it’s like, it’s, it goes hand in hand.  You, you build a relationship with a production company that can get the job done and Beverly Boy is definitely the production company that I would choose over and over again.  If you’re looking for a production company to bring your vision to life, look no further, because Beverly Boy is the one stop shop that you really need, especially if you’re on the fence and don’t know who to choose, I would definitely, definitely say go to Beverly Boy Productions and get your work done. Brittany’s entry for our Top 10 Beverly Boy Productions reviews.

#8 Team Beverly Boy customer reviews – OnDeck

Jennifer Price Supa.  I am OnDeck’s social media manager.  OnDeck is a leader in online lending to small businesses.  We have three offices in the United States, headquarters in New York.  We have an office in Colorado in Denver, and we have an office in Arlington, Virginia.  We’re also active in Canada and Australia.

My name’s Arial Cransow.  I am the senior marketing content manager and what that means is that I’m in charge of creating and developing content, whether it’s written or video for all of our digital channels. 

The problem that we were trying to solve was that we had so many small business customers across the country and we wanted consistency and quality and that is why having one production company to do all those videos was very important to us, and Beverly Boy Productions was able to do that for us.

At OnDeck we use video for a variety of different purposes.  We use them for our branding and we use them for acquisition.  When we work with Beverly Boy’s, we do most of our work for branding purposes so we do a lot of our customer testimonials.  We’ve also in the past worked with Beverly Boy’s to do an animated video for acquisition.

Our small business customers are really busy people so the ability for Beverly Boy’s videographers and photographers to pivot when our small business customers need to change schedule is really important to us.

We work with Beverly Boy’s opposed to working with many different crews and companies all over the country because it just takes the pressure off.  We know we’re going to get exactly what we want when we’re working with Beverly Boy.  It’s very easy to give them a list of what we want in terms of video shots, whether we want B roll, what photographs we want.  We want them to get a specific soundbite, we can, they’ll really give us exactly what we’re looking for.

I’ve had a great experience with Beverly Boy Productions.  They provide quality and consistency with all the work that they do for us.  Beverly Boy has shot videos for us in New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, California, the Midwest, Florida, all over the place, where our small business customers are.

Beverly Boy’s has a team in every state where we can easily get a good crew that we trust on the ground to get the work done that we need.  One of the best things working with Beverly Boy is the quickness of response.  For us, we’re always moving in ten different directions and trying to get a million different things done in one day and knowing that Beverly Boy is going to respond almost immediately every time I send out an email is something that really takes the weight off of a lot of decisions and a lot of processes that could take a really long time.  I think that’s something really important in, for our business and I think it’s something that really makes us continue to work with Beverly Boy time after time after time.

#9 Team Beverly Boy client reviews – SI-Bone

Hi, my name is Amy Deep and I’m one of the field marketing specialists at SI-Bone.  So, SI-Bone, we’re a medical device company and we specialize in minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusions.  So, your SI joint and your sacroiliac joints actually, um, can be a cause of lower back pain.  It’s actually very common but it’s overlooked.  It’s a very overlooked diagnosis for, uh, most surgeons and most physicians.  Patients should know about this, uh, condition and, you know, the treatment options that are available.  Um, that’s why I find it very beneficial to partner with Beverly Boy Productions to create these really educational and, you know, professional content for our surgeons and our clients. 

I found out about Beverly Boy Productions through the Internet

I found out about Beverly Boy Productions through the Internet and, you know, I was going through a lot of different companies and trying to see who would be very professional in the healthcare setting in these, you know, medical offices or surgical close centers.  And that’s also very important.  We’re able to do these two to three-minute videos about, um, the diagnosis, the anatomy, um, even the procedure and treatment options for SI joint dysfunction and we’re able to use these videos on, um, SI-Bone’s website as well as on our surgeons’ websites.  More and more surgeons are wanting to create these videos because they understand the value of having web content or having a video on your website can drive so much more organic search results.  It can provide credibility for that surgeon. 

I would definitely recommend Beverly Boy Productions

When you do a web search on a new doctor if you see a picture of him or a video of him, you’re probably more inclined to go to that surgeon or physician because you feel that personal connection.  So, I appreciate the amount of professionals that Beverly Boy Production has given on these projects.  Even if we had something last minute come up and we needed, we were able to book a video, and I think working with Beverly Boy Production has been, um, extremely helpful because of how streamlined this process is with them now. 

I know I can trust them to find us the best crew possible for the project as well have consistency and editing process as well as delivering these amazing videos of high quality for our clients.  So, I would definitely recommend Beverly Boy Productions to anybody who’s looking for, um, a production company that will deliver high-quality work as well as an efficient manner, have great follow up, um, and, of course, the amazing content that they can create. This is Amy’s entry for our Top 10 Beverly Boy Productions reviews.

#10 BBP Reviews Ad Excellence – Rick Goldman

If you would like to get a quote on your project feel free to contact us for a free consultation. Hope you enjoyed our Top 10 Beverly Boy Productions reviews.