How to Structure a Testimonial Video

Structuring testimonial videos so that they are accepted and understood by your audience is a matter of planning and proper execution. We’ll show you how to structure a testimonial video so that you can gain credibility from your audience with genuine content delivered to those who need to see it most. Follow along as we outline the tasks and steps to proper testimonial video planning and execution for authenticity and value.

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Planning the Testimonial Video Content

customer testimonial video production

The first step is to plan out the testimonial video content and how it will be used. You want to keep the content as authentic and genuine as possible. This way, the final footage will show a natural testimonial that consumers will appreciate and trust. You also need to make sure that the message delivery will be powerful and succinct.

Hook viewers with content that they can resonate with. Deliver details about a problem they are likely to struggle with so that they can resonate with what is being said.

Maybe you start with a story about why you started your business or how your brand ties into the problem the consumer is going to discuss. The idea is to help the viewer see themselves in your shoes.

The Opening Message

Your opening message should be indicative of the problem that consumers are struggling with as it relates to your brand and the testimony that the customer is to provide. You want to establish that you understand the needs of the viewer. You also want to discount various other methods, such as those that your competitors may offer, as solutions.

Keep Viewer Interest

The purpose of the opening message that delivers the relatable content is to keep the viewer engaged and interested. You want them to watch the entire testimonial so it is vital to deliver content that they can relate with so that they have this, “oh yea, me too” thought process with each major point that you deliver.

You want the viewer to immediately relate to the interviewee.

Introduce Client Solution

Filming a Testimonial on a FS7

Next, you need to introduce the solution in a way that helps the audience to have an epiphany moment. You want them to think, “WOW, that’s it! That’s what I need to do.”

Continue to deliver content in a way that explains to the audience that it is your brand that offers the solution that worked for the consumer like them, and will work FOR THEM.

Wrapping the Testimonial

The final elements of the testimonial should include some details from the interviewee that discuss why they would recommend the brand or business that is in the review/interview. This part should be genuine and unrehearsed as you want viewers to know, without a doubt, that what the testimony states is true. Make sure the finishing recommendation is that of value and use to the consumer.

The testimonial video structure should essentially be problem delivery, solution explanation, results from details and a recommendation. It’s really that simple.

Ready to produce customer testimonial videos for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We’ll help you create top-quality testimonial videos that your viewers will love.

Here’s a Recently Produced Testimonial Video from Beverly Boy Productions: