Why Should I Choose a Video Creator Near Me?

Why Should I Choose a Video Creator Near Me? You know you need videos to succeed with your marketing campaigns, there’s really no question. You’ve heard the statistics, all of them – from the 500 billion hours of YouTube consumed each day to the countless hours of video uploaded online to the conversion rates and […]

6 Promo Videos for Marketing Agency Owners to Try Out

6 Promo Videos for Marketing Agency Owners to Try Out Telling your story is absolutely vital for a marketing agency to succeed. If you can’t tell your own story in a way that will engage consumers and convert them into paying clients, how can your clients expect you to tell THEIR story? Videos for marketing […]

Educational Videos for Medical Equipment Suppliers

Educational Videos for Medical Equipment Suppliers Medical equipment can be difficult to explain without images or animations. In fact, videos for medical equipment suppliers that feature animated concepts for improved consumer understanding can actually lead to greater acceptance and higher conversions. These are just a few of the benefits of creating educational videos for medical […]

5 Types of Virtual Event Videos for Ongoing Engagement

5 Types of Virtual Event Videos for Ongoing Engagement  Virtual events are growing in terms of both presence and involvement. People that never would have previously considered attending a virtual event before are looking, not only for ways to attend, but also for ways to get involved in the event itself. Even after you host […]

8 Types of Product Videos Every Marketer Should Be Aware Of

8 Types of Product Videos Every Marketer Should Be Aware Of  Product videos are used to tell your brand story to the consumer in a way that makes them want to be a part of what you have to share. There are so many different uses for product videos and so many different types of […]

Benefits of Employee Testimonial Videos to Attract & HIre Top Talent

Benefits of Employee Testimonial Videos to Attract & Hire Top Talent   When you hear the word testimonial you probably think of customer testimonials more so than you do employee testimonial videos, don’t you? That’s because we often think about how important it is to share with potential customers what past customers think of our […]

4 Ways to Use Internal Communications Videos to Inspire Employees

4 Ways to Use Internal Communications Videos to Inspire Employees When communicating face-to-face isn’t always an immediate option but the messages still need to be delivered, internal communications videos come into play to help businesses boost employee productivity and engage employees throughout day-to-day business operations. Technology makes internal communications possible in ways that were never […]

Benefits of Human Resource Development Videos

Benefits of Human Resource Development Videos Human resource development is a powerful investment for your brand. Executed properly, HR development has the power to improve the culture and interaction within your corporation in a way that results in higher confidence in your employees, improved employee morale, and greater organizational structure all around. What if we […]

Benefits of a Video Spokesperson for your Website

Benefits of a Video Spokesperson for your Website So you’ve decided to create a video for your website–who will be your spokesperson? As a small business owner (or even if you’re a large business owner) you’re likely always on the lookout for ways that you can deliver your core message to consumers so that they […]

9 Tips for Enticing Sales Videos that Drive Conversions

9 Tips for Enticing Sales Videos that Drive Conversions An exciting sales video is worth thousands of words! Audiences are faced with thousands of videos and tons of content online. How can you ensure that the videos you create are enticing and actually drive your viewers to take action? In a world where audiences are […]