How to Shoot Different Angles with One Camera
As an author, you might be pleasantly surprised if a production company were to approach you with the idea of producing your book into a movie. The authors of copyrighted books often give permission to filmmakers to produce adaptations of their book on film, but at what cost? How much do book authors receive for film […]
Film Production Equipment Checklist for Beginners
Film Production Equipment Checklist for Beginners Depending on what role you take on in film, you may need various items to effectively produce top-quality films. In fact, the film production equipment checklist that we have built for beginners outlines essential filmmaking equipment and tools that you should have based on the type of film you […]
Tips for Financing a Film Project Through Private Source Financing
Tips for Financing a Film Project Through Private Source Financing The marketplace is so much different today than it was a decade or two ago. In a world where Indie Films are produced more frequently than ever before, finding financing can be challenging at best. There’s just so much competition out there. We’re showing you […]
What Happens During Pre-Production in Film
What Happens During Pre-Production in Film During pre-production a lot of planning and early strategy for a film production takes place. If you’re not sure what happens during pre-production in filmmaking or movies, the process can seem awkward or long and unnecessary. However, the steps you take in pre-production to plan and execute a strategy […]
Quick Tips for Sparking Creativity in Filmmaking
Quick Tips for Sparking Creativity in Filmmaking The creative side of our brains is like any other muscle. You actively work it out and it will function better. So how do you keep creativity alive when you’re busy making films each and everyday? These quick tips for sparking creativity in filmmaking will help you keep […]
How to Get Your Script Made Into a Movie
How to Get Your Script Made Into a Movie If you build it, they will come. Right? That’s not really how it works when it comes to learning how to get your script made into a movie. In fact, you can write scripts for years and, if you aren’t taking the appropriate next steps to […]
How Do Independent Movies Make Money?
How Do Independent Movies Make Money? From the outside perspective, you may think that movies all just rake in tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for the producers and filmmakers involved. But the reality is, independent movies and those that are created for without a guarantee to be shown on the […]
What does Raw Footage Mean in Film Production?
What does Raw Footage Mean in Film Production? If you’re not familiar with the term raw footage, you may just assume it’s a set of footage or clips that appear similar to that of the final cut but with less editing involved. To the unsuspecting user then, that thinks raw footage should look similar to […]
Film Crew Positions list
Film Crew Positions As you start on a film production, you’ll discover how many film crew positions are needed to fill different aspects of the production experience. Putting a together is important when you start out on the filmmaking journey. It’s a marriage of technical and creative collaboration to create a stellar film. We’ve created a list of the […]