Types of Films Produced by Small Film Production Companies in New York City

Video production is a sophisticated technique that involves a lot of creativity and many working parts coming together to produce amazing marketing content as well as various other forms of media. Small film production companies in New York City represent the many firms that produce commercial video products for independent business owners like retailers, healthcare providers, and a wide range of professionals in virtually every industry you can imagine. In fact, small film production companies in New York City produce so many types of film and video products, it’s hard to list them all….but we’ll list some of the most popular!

Camera Crew in New York

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Who are We? Beverly Boy Productions is a full-service commercial video production company with crews throughout New York City as well as almost anywhere in the United States.

We create many of the types of video and media content that we’re going to discuss further in this article. To learn more about any of these types of video, Team Beverly Boy, or what small film production companies in New York City can do for your business, give us a call at 646-448-8787!

What Types of Films do Short-Film Production Companies Create?

Basically, all different types! 

Short film production companies in New York City create:

  • Online advertising videos
  • Corporate videos
  • Training videos
  • Documentary videos
  • Business presentations
  • Explainer Videos
  • Marketing Videos
  • Animations
  • Live Event videos
  • Product videos
  • Conferences
  • Music Videos
  • Social Media Videos

This is really just a fraction of the styles and types of video content that small film production companies in New York City are capable of producing. 

What Types of Films are Most Popular?

The most popular types of video content for a short film production company to create will vary based on a variety of factors.

For instance, many small film production companies in New York City have niche specific backgrounds and produce niche specific video content that relates to their expertise.

For example: a small video production company with a background in filmmaking for healthcare companies might find that the most popular types of video to create for their niche or industry is the testimonial video, followed closely by things like medical explainer videos and various other types of corporate video content.

It really all depends on the industry, the niche, and the production company.

Choosing the Types of Films that Your Business Needs

Although small film production companies in New York City are more than capable of producing a wide variety of films, short-videos, and media content, it’s your job to decide what types of video content will be more suitable (and most profitable) for your business.

Choosing the types of films that you want to produce for your brand is a matter of:

  • Planning out your marketing.
  • Knowing your audience.
  • Learning about the different types of video content.
  • Creating videos with the help of a professional.

Small film production companies in New York City, like Beverly Boy Productions, can help you to decide on the most appropriate types of content for your business.

Give us a call at 646-448-8787 to find out what will be most likely to help you achieve your goals!

We can’t wait to get started on profitable video production for your brand and with so many different types of short-films and video to choose from, there’s no better time than the present to get the creative juices flowing for your brand!