Filming E Learning Video Production in New York, NY

Video was once a style of content that was “nice” to have, but it wasn’t really necessary, especially when it came to producing digital coursework and educational activities for students. However, today’s e-learning courses are the result of specialized focus on teaching and training audiences through a variety of techniques and tactics, including video, audio, and other focused formats. When it comes to filming E Learning video production in New York, NY, working with a professional crew that brings experience and expertise to your project to engage and educate your audience is key.

The E-learning market is rapidly growing and the industry is expected to surpass $375B over the next 5 years!  The cornerstone of any online or digital course, videos incorporate a blend of techniques and training tactics that range from interactive scenarios-based training to engaging question and answer style education that accommodates virtually any learning style. With competition in the e Learning market only growing more fierce with each year, it’s important for course creators to produce E Learning videos that stand out professionally against the rest.

Why Consider Filming E Learning Videos in New York?

Filming e-learning videos in the Big Apple is something that many organizations can benefit from. E-learning videos have the power to teach complex concepts to students with flexibility and amazing versatility. In fact, now that students are not confined to a classroom in order to learn the subjects that are being taught by colleges, universities, and organizations filming e-learning videos in New York is something that shouldn’t just be considered – it is an absolute must!

E learning videos provide unique training and interactive educational opportunities for audiences. Learners can engage in scenarios based training that allows them to pick and choose scenarios which then reflect the positive, or negative, outcomes based on the scenarios. They can also interact with question and answer sessions that provide immediate educational reinforcement for topics that are difficult or otherwise challenging to fully understand. These are just a few of the reasons to consider filming e learning video content, of course there are many other reasons to consider this based on your own needs. 

Benefits of E Learning Video Content Creation

The benefits of e-learning video content creation naturally depend on the audience. Audiences of virtually any type can stand to learn and engage from video content. In fact, e-learning videos provide a unique opportunity for learners to engage and gain insight into concepts that are powerfully complex through visual aids, auditory support, and versatile education delivery.

Students can learn leadership, onboarding, and various other concepts based on corporate needs. Colleges and universities can teach and train students on subjects ranging from scientific to social. And corporations can provide management skills training, job role support, customer training and support for many other skills. 

E learning videos can even provide unique beneficial instruction for course content creators that are seeking to educate general audiences on unique skills. These tutorial style videos are handy for learners that forget how to perform a particular task or that are looking to learn how to perform new tasks that they’ve never engaged in before.  Being able to see, and hear, the tutorial style content helps learners to follow along and gain deeper insight through video highlights, supportive b-roll and of course traditional lecture. 

Camera Crew

Types of E Learning Videos

You’ll find a variety of different types of e learning video as you begin planning your course goals and learning objectives. Depending on what it is that you’re trying to accomplish, any of the following types of course content can be taught with e learning videos including:

  • Customer experience training to help your customers get the most out of the products or services you provide. 
  • Customer service training to help your CSMs provide powerful, thoughtful customer service that reflects positively on your brand.
  • Leadership and management training in which your organization will operate more efficiently and effectively.
  • Technical skills training in which your audience will gain insight and efficiently operate within your workforce regardless of systems or specific ideas in place.
  • Sales management training to support your team when they’re trying to sell products or services.
  • Customer education and support to ensure new customers an on boarded and understand the robust offers they’re invested in.
  • Management strategy training and corporate culture strategy.
  • Higher education ideal for use in college courses and universities.
  • Thought leadership training for improved insights and industry knowledge.

Naturally there are many other types of e learning videos that a New York City organization, classroom educator, or course creator could produce depending on their unique needs. Think about the type of content that would be most beneficial for your audience and consider producing educational coursework that targets their needs. Consumers are spending up to 5.5 hours per day on average watching video content – it might as well be yours!

Professional E Learning Video Production in New York

Producing e learning videos in New York can have several benefits. The city features a wide range of amazing filming locations from the Empire State Building to historical locations such as the Statue of Liberty. While it’s cold throughout the winter, which means filming outdoors can be rather challenging and uncomfortable, summers are warm and humid. New York City actually sees several months throughout the year where weather is comfortable enough for outdoor filming along the many parks in addition to world famous Central Park.

If you’re considering the creation of an online course, professional e learning video production in New York is certainly an important consideration that can impact the success of your project. Not only does video content help your course to stand out to its target audience, but it also offers an uncanny opportunity for your audience to better understand complex topics and important concepts that could otherwise pose too challenging to learn without support.