Schools Turn to Live Streaming Classes to Flatten the Curve

Colleges & Universities Turn to Live Streaming Classes to Flatten the Curve

History shows us that the steps we take now to reduce virus spread can make a major impact in our lives and in those in our communities. It is being referred to as “Flattening the Curve” and it’s a phenomenon that has spread like wildfire online.


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    But, as colleges and universities look at the potential of remaining closed for two months or more in many areas, live streaming classes is more than just an effort to flatten the curve. Live streaming for schools might be absolutely necessary in order to prevent lasting impacts and life-long closures.

    Flatten What Curve?


    The “Curve” refers to the image which represents a visual of what might happen in the United States if COVID-19 were to continue to infect people at an alarming rate of speed with no measures taken to prevent, what would happen if the virus continued with moderate measures to prevent, and what the expected outcome is under the most draconian measures of prevention such as complete social isolation.

    Essentially, we see that with no steps taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S. the outbreak will happen so quickly, and so intensely that our hospital infrastructure will be overburdened in mere days, thus hospitals will not be able to treat the number of sick people that need help.

    However, with even moderate measures to reduce the spread, such as social distancing and school closures which we’ve seen in the past several days, the curve extends out a bit, flattening, and impacting our health system to a much lower (and less fatal) degree.

    Flatten the Curve

    It’s referred to as “flattening the curve” and the extent to which we can flatten the curve may make the difference in tens of thousands (or more) deaths from the novel Coronavirus over the next several weeks and months.

    Health officials use this term loosely and frequently, but many Americans have only recently heard it and, since the recent COVID-19 pandemic, it has become a household term.

    The idea is that, if we can “flatten the curve” then fewer households will get sick from the COVID-19 virus and thus, the strain on our hospitals and healthcare infrastructure will be limited. As a result, colleges and universities nationwide have already taken a stance and closed their doors. 

    Many colleges are planning not to resume regular classes in-person for at least 30 days or more. But, not all colleges and universities have opted OUT of courses completely during this time.

    Many are seeking live streaming services to allow students to continue making progress toward their degree programs despite the COVID-19 pandem

    Live Streaming Classes for Colleges & Universities


    Live streaming classes actually take place on many college campuses on a regular basis with or without the Coronavirus scare. In fact, many students enjoy watching their courses via live stream from the comfort of their home, dorm, or even while on the go. For the millennial college student, a live streamed course is really nothing new and even a welcomed opportunity in many cases.

    Live streaming classes including advanced level courses, standard admissions courses and essentially every class offered by a college may initially seem like a major undertaking, but as we push for social distancing across the nation, many students are welcoming the idea of continued access to their coursework via the live stream technology.

    Live streamed video actually can be used to enhance the learning outcomes and objectives already in place for professors and instructors at the college level.

    In fact, there are many benefits that come along with live streaming college classes including:

    • Making lectures available long after the actual lecture has taken place.
    •  Offering distance learning programs that may otherwise have not been provided.
    •  Allowing for dedicated discussion times to take place AFTER the lesson so that students can think and prepare discussions more in depth.
    •  Enhanced student comprehension and improved retention of the information taught in class.
    •  Multi-modal learning support for the non-traditional learner.

    College Classes Are Not the Only Live Stream Opportunities


    At the university level, college courses are not the only opportunity to live stream for students. Live streaming college seminars and lectures in addition to the actual course material will provide students with a “like” college experience despite them being stuck at home, off campus, or otherwise secluded due to social distancing mitigation that is in place.

    When classes are back in session, and student life resumes on campus, many universities will continue to seek the services of a live streaming video production crew in order to provide live streaming sports broadcasting as well as access to various other campus events.

    These events, especially sports, represent an opportunity for campuses to charge a pay-per-view fee that helps to offset the streaming production costs.

    What’s the Best Live Streaming Solution for Colleges & Universities?


    As many universities look to live streaming college level courses, the question arises–what’s the best live streaming solution for colleges and universities? The answer — each university is different and therefore a unique live streaming platform and setup is ideal for each.

    Naturally you need to be prepared for growth and ideally, you want to consider how you can scale your live streaming efforts as additional ideas and opportunities on campus arise.

    To find out more about video live streaming at your college or university, give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We’ll help you determine the most appropriate live streaming solution for classes, events, and on-campus seminars or other activities that take place both with, and without students involved. Using the university-based scenario that suits you directly, we’ll show you how Team Beverly Boy can produce top-quality live streaming classes and special events to keep you, and your students, connected.