How Much Does Live Streaming Video Production Cost?

A handful of factors are going to affect live streaming video production cost. The equipment and services required to film a complex, 2 hour-long conference is going to be different from a 30-minute live event. It’s a general rule that the complexity of a live stream, and how long the stream lasts, will primarily affect live stream video production costs. Pricing can also be altered due to things like venue fees, different types of equipment, and additional staffing – but this all depends on the type of live stream you want to host!

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Live streams can be hosted publicly and privately. You can live stream an event featuring your latest product or a conference with team members from across the world. Both of these types of live streams require different equipment and production services. Again, depending on the length and complexity of the video, you’ll probably pay a different price for each of them. Consulting with your video production service provider is the best way to find out how much you’ll pay for your upcoming live stream. Let’s take a closer look at the four factors that affect live streaming prices.

Live Streaming Pricing.

There are four primary factors that affect Live Streaming Video Production Cost: complexity, duration, equipment, and additional live streaming services. It’s important to keep these four categories in mind when budgeting your upcoming stream, so let’s take a closer look at what they entail.

The complexity of a live stream may refer to one with many video and audio sources, signals delivering from various locations, and live switching from staff. Technicians and production engineers can easily make a live stream like this happen, but it comes at a price.

livestreaming video production company

The duration of a live stream refers to its length. Basically, the longer your stream, the longer you utilize staffing, bandwidth, and a venue. If you’re running a 24/7 stream, similar to a TV channel, you’re going to pay for even more bandwidth, staffing, and industry-standard production. So live streaming pricing really depends on these few variables.

Live Streaming Equipment.

You’re going to need more live streaming equipment to host more complex live streams. Obviously, the more equipment needed to bring your stream to life, the higher the price will be. On top of that, depending on the content of your stream or what you want to do with it after going live, you may require additional live streaming services.

Warsaw live streaming team

We live in an age where streaming equipment is more accessible and affordable than ever. Regardless, the quality of your streaming equipment can definitely play a part in its cost. According to Vimeo, 78% of online audiences are already watching video on Facebook Live and 90% think video quality is the most important aspect of Facebook Live videos. With this statistic in mind, it’s important to know that a higher-quality stream is going to be worth the effort and money. Now, how much you pay is going to depend on what you’re streaming, how long you’re streaming, etc. Your live streaming service provider should use cutting-edge technology and experienced staff to host your latest live stream.

Live Streaming Staff.

In order to bring your stream to life, technicians will set up equipment used to deliver your video, establish strong signals, and save it to your streaming service and/or social media outlet. At Beverly Boy, we supply our customers with high-quality resolution, as well as check for optimal encoding. These are just a couple of things our camera crews do to ensure that you receive a top-notch live stream that your business deserves.

live streaming for the web

How much does it cost to live stream?

Still wondering how much does it cost to live stream? If you’re ready to start setting up your upcoming live stream, Beverly Boy has got you covered. With our 15+ years of experience, we’re excited to do the hard work for you, setting up your venue with state-of-the-art streaming equipment and more. To find out your specific Live Streaming Video Production Cost, give us a call today!