5 reasons to hire a Corporate Video Company

Whether you offer a product or service, it’s important to keep your brand in the spotlight throughout the year, pandemic or no pandemic. Hiring a corporate video company to help is essential. As many businesses are beginning to open up post COVID-19 (all be it maybe too soon for some), now more than ever it’s important to have your advertising on point. A corporate video company will keep your brand actively visible online, on television, or on social media.

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Corporate Advertising Is Essential

Despite the pandemic that has many businesses and brands easing back on their marketing. While you may think marketing during this time isn’t valuable or necessary, you’re wrong! There are several reasons to hire a corporate video company to continue your corporate advertising.

Corporate Advertising for Products and Services

Advertising your products or services is your voice to the world. It’s how you keep your brand actively thought about by consumers. It’s how you remind consumers that your product or services are available and that you’re still delivering the customer experience that they crave.

Although Coronavirus may be putting some strain on your sales, now is NOT the time to stop advertising. Here’s why:

#1. Remind Customers What They Have to Gain

Advertising to your customers is your way to keep customers in the loop. If you’re seeing sales slump, it’s time to remind customers what it is that your product or service can do for them.

Hiring a corporate video company that can effectively deliver your story in a way that helps customers to remember the value in purchasing from you is vital. The right corporate video company can eloquently connect your brand to the consumer so that they WANT to purchase from you.

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#2. Reduce Nervousness & Balance Emotions

Hiring a corporate video company to capture the essence of why your brand is still actively engaged in business during COVID-19 can reduce nervousness and balance the emotions that consumers have.

Many consumers are worried about shopping or they are wondering if their favorite brands are going out of business as a result of extended closures.

Actively Engage Consumers With A Corporate Video

If you’re brand is fortunate enough to not worry about the extended closure, now is a great time to hire a corporate video company to let your audience know that your brand is here for the long haul.

Reduce the nervousness that your consumers have, tell them what you’re doing to sustain during COVID-19 and actively pursue relationship building with those that matter most – your end consumers.

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#3. Connect & Build Relationships

COVID-19 or not, a professional corporate video company can help you to capture content that will connect your brand with your audience and build relationships that will convert.

Consumers are actively engaged in all kinds of content online, especially now that many are out of work and at home.

Connecting with your consumers online, via social media or your website, is a great way to build relationships that will later result in conversions such as sales, phone calls, appointments or other leads.

Content That Connects With Your Audience

A corporate video company will understand the value in creating content that will connect with your audience.

Whether it’s a short, 30-second promo commercial or a 1-minute social media video, corporate video companies are experienced in delivering highly engaging, easy to understand, rapid connecting content that your team can use for a variety of advertising experiences.

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#4. Target a New Audience or an Untapped Segment

Is there an untapped audience segment that you haven’t been able to target in the past for some reason? Perhaps you know of an audience segment that is ideal for your brand that has developed as a direct result of COVID-19?

Whether it’s a totally brand new audience or an untapped audience segment that you simply haven’t been able to connect with in the past.

Professional Corporate Video Content

Now is a great time to hire a professional to help you out. Hiring a corporate video company to help you produce content that taps into a new audience is a great way to extend your reach and awareness of your brand while increasing your conversion rate over time.

Expand Your Audience

Targeting a new audience can take many forms. Perhaps you need to advertise to this new group to help them get to know your products and services.

Or, perhaps you know of an audience segment that is aware of your products or services, but doesn’t fully understand how the products or services can benefit you?

Working with your corporate video company to deliver exceptional video content that advertises your brand and boosts awareness of your products or services is an excellent way to increase total conversions and ROI on your video content.

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#5. Amplify Your Credibility & Your Message

Trying to reach a larger audience with your intended message? Hiring a corporate video company allows you to work with professionals.

This typically includes a marketing team that will be able to help you determine how you can appropriately create video content that will amplify the credibility of your brand and get your message out to a national audience.

A Brand That Is Valued

Whether you’re reshaping an existing message or you’re working on a new, totally unique message that will help the audience to find the credible value in your brand, hiring a professional corporate video company is your ticket to making it all come together.

Business may have slowed down for the last few months, and cities across the nation may have closed, but your advertising shouldn’t stop.

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Drop Us A Line

Hiring a corporate video company that will help you to regain control of your marketing and advertising strategy or help you get started with a fresh and new strategy to present your brand to the world is vital.

Are you ready to get started? Call Beverly Boy Productions to begin working with a corporate video company that has the experience, skills and professional equipment to bring your corporate advertising to the next level.

With one call, you can be on your way to producing a top quality guided branding strategy that your team won’t soon forget!