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Re-purposing Video Content for Maximum ROI

Re-purposing video content is much like re-purposing any other form of content that you’ve produced over the years. You use it for a while, get what you need out of it, and then find another use for it to shed new light and breath new life into it. Rinse and repeat. For maximum ROI, try re-purposing video content with these different tactics.

Divide & Conquer

When you purchase video production services for a project that you need you should always be provided the raw footage for your project. With divide and conquer, re-purposing video content involves using all your old footage that was provided in past projects to your advantage.

Divide the old footage up and use it to produce completely new videos that your clients or customers will love.

For a typical video that was just 5 minutes or less in length, your video production company likely captured at least 45 minutes of raw footage. That means, you have 40 minutes of video content that didn’t make the first cut.

That’s a lot of additional video content that can be easily revised, edited, and otherwise shortened to produce social media clips, b-roll or other footage that can be used on your website, social media or elsewhere.


Video content that is absent of a transcript can be challenging to rank in the search engines. To get the most ROI for your content, it is very important for you to include video transcription with your content. The transcriptions show Google and other search engines what your content is about. 

Add transcripts to your video to gain additional views and traffic to your page. Try to avoid automatic transcribers as these tend to be very poor quality and often miss the mark on important keywords or call to action items. 

Instead, transcribe your videos yourself or hire a transcriptionist. As you add text to the video page, consider the various ways that you could add text inside the actual video too. Include key subheadings and other important elements relative to your keywords in your video description for maximum ROI.


The distribution channels that you choose for your video content often play a key role in the way the video content turns out.

Videos that are produced for YouTube are naturally made in a particular manner whereas those that were produced for social media such as Facetime will likely be shorter and more flashy or catchy.

Re-purposing video content that was created for these sources is mostly about changing the size, length, and appropriate filler content that will be most attractive to the audience on the new site where the video will be distributed. 

facebook descriptions increase video CTR

Struggling to come up with video distribution locations? Consider re-purposing video content to be shared on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram even Pinterest has a place for video now! 

Check the rules or requirements for posting on each site before you begin editing your old videos to distribute in these new places.

Re-purposing video content for maximum ROI is really all about starting off with some excellent footage and then taking your time to consider new ways that you can maximize the potential that your content has.

Recycling old video content, turning it into something fresh and new is like breathing new life into your brand and maximizing the return in the process.