How to Repurpose Your Web Content to Create Effective Videos

Repurposing your web content to create effective videos is one of several ways that you can maximize your content spend to get the most out of the marketing expenses that you have already allocated. In fact, more than 80% of marketers agree that repurposing content into video will deliver exception ROI. Likewise, 91% of marketers consider video one of the most valuable offerings for their viewers. Here’s how to repurpose your web content to create effective videos.

Post Production

Step 1: Identify Evergreen, High Performing Content to Repurpose

The first step is to identify the highest performing and most evergreen topics that you have content on which would make great videos. You should consider blog posts, infographics, whitepapers, case studies, product guides, and how-to’s in your search for quality content to repurpose.

Before you determine which content to convert into video, consider how valuable the content is already. If it has several thousand viewers every single month, you should almost certainly make a video to support it. Likewise, if you produced the content and never had a single soul read it, creating a video may be a big waste of time.

Review any analytics data you have to determine how your content is performing. Check things like traffic, social shares, and views to determine the most popular content you have to work with. This should become the basis of your concepts to repurpose for video production.

Step 2. Consider Video Production Options that Best Portray Your Message

You have so many video formats to choose from when repurposing old content into a video production. There’s sketch videos and simple image videos with voiceovers, there’s highlight reels and slideshows. Research the various costs associated with each type of video style and determine how you want to produce the content that you are seeking to repurpose.

A sketch may require intensive up-front labor, but if it portrays the message better than any other option could, it is likely well worth the cost. Likewise, if you have a very small budget, a simple how-to could be repurposed into a slideshow with minimal investment and production input.

You will likely need special software in order to repurpose blog content into video products or you will require the assistance of a professional video production agency like Beverly Boy Productions. Give us a call to learn more about the options available to make your repurposed content come back to life.

Step 3. Publish the Video Transcripts for Maximum Organic Reach

Videos alone cannot easily rank in popular search engines that include more than just video results. For instance, a basic, non-video search in Google may not show your video–UNLESS you include a detailed transcript of the video with the visual content.

Including a transcript with your video ensures:

  • Those who prefer reading can still get the message.
  • Websites that cannot render video can still share the message.
  • Users that cannot see video can still hear the transcript message read.
  • The video ranks in all search engines, for added SEO benefit and optimal coverage.
  • The social sharing is available on all platforms, including those where video is less likely to be included.


When you publish a transcript to go along with repurposed video content, ensure that you have written and spelled everything correctly, that all sentences are grammatically correct and that you have included bullet lists or numbered lists where possible to make reading easier. You could also break the transcript into smaller subsections by using sub headings or titles that help to define the overall core message and allow for easy skimming by those who only read portions of the page.

Repurposing your old web content into something your brand can value begins with a call to Beverly Boy Productions. We’ll help you see this project through.