7 Forms of YouTube Video Content to Promote Your Business

Over a billion hours every single day are watched on YouTube. If you’re not posting video content for your business to YouTube, you’re really missing out! In fact, YouTube is such as great network full of opportunity for businesses to promote that we’ve outlined several forms of YouTube video content that big brands and small simply cannot afford to overlook.

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Follow along as we discuss each in detail.

1.  Fun, Quirky, Corporate Videos

uploading youtube video content

Does your brand do something fun and quirky? Is there some inside joke that goes on with your brand that the world needs to know? Funny YouTube videos that will make the audience laugh or smile are a great way to promote brands on YouTube and just about anywhere online.

When posting fun videos on YouTube, just make sure that you have paid close attention to what you’re doing and the goal you are trying to achieve with the content. Funny videos aren’t always funny to everyone.

Be careful not to appear as if you are bullying, acting racially unequal or otherwise hurting the feelings of others as this could backfire.

2.  Product or Service Demos

Do you have a webinar that you already share with potential consumers? Consider adding the production or service demos for your brand to YouTube.

Demos that help the consumer to better understand a product do really well on YouTube, especially since they benefit from a lot of that, “How to” style content that consumers are looking for.

Consider quick demos of your products or services to share on YouTube. Ideally, these are going to be under 2 minutes and will help consumers become more aware of your brand.

3.  Testimonial Videos

Customer testimonials have the power to amaze prospective customers while building trust in your brand. Testimonial videos that are shared on YouTube are far more impactful than those written testimonials that you posted on your website ten years ago.

4.  Tutorial Videos

Do you sell a product that has a learning curve in order to understand it? Tutorial videos posted on YouTube help your business to improve consumer understanding of your brand while teaching the skills necessary to get the most out of your products or services.

Consider these YouTube videos to deliver DIY skills, high range Support and product information that helps consumers see the value in your brand.

5.  Influencer Videos

influencer video content

The internet is raving over social media influencers. If you’re product or service isn’t already being promoted by an influencer, what are you waiting for?

YouTube influencer videos share the products or services of your brand on their platform so that the influencer’s followers can see what you have to offer. Influencer videos appeal to a particular audience and are a great opportunity to get the word out about your brand.

6.  Product Launch Videos

Got a new product that’s about to hit the market? Product launch videos that are shared on YouTube have the power to build up consumer anticipation before a product is for sale.

This form of YouTube video content promotes your business to the consumer so that when the product IS available, the consumer is ready and waiting to make their purchase.

7.  Industry Videos

YouTube industry videos deliver key details about the industry to other B2B or B2C brands. These types of video help your brand to stand out from the rest of the competition.

Consider reviewing industry trends, standards and other contributing factors that the consumer may have an interest in. The idea here is to build a reputation for your expertise in the industry online.

Ready to get started with professional YouTube video content? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to get started. We can’t wait to put our 20 years of video production skills and expertise to work in creating top quality YouTube videos for your brand.

Check Out this Testimonial Video Produced by Beverly Boy Productions: