3 Factors to Consider Before Filming a Corporate Video

Filming a corporate video may seem like a walk in the park. You’ll just hire a film crew, have Tim from Tech Support narrate and voila, you’ll have yourself a corporate film, right? WRONG! If you want to produce a successful corporate video it’s going to take a bit more planning and a slightly better execution than that!

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In fact, before you consider filming a corporate video, make sure you’ve considered these 3 factors that will help you to achieve success!

1. The Talent You Will Use

First off, you need to consider the talent that you will use to produce the corporate film. Now is NOT the time to hire Tim from Tech Support as much as you may think he has a nice voice or a captivating demeanor.

While those are certainly great qualities for Tim to have, there’s a pretty strong chance that Tim doesn’t possess any real on-camera skills. The talent that you use for your corporate film will play a key role in the end quality of your video, so please take talent acquisition seriously.

Consider the following as you hire talent for your corporate film:

● Hire talent that is prepared to be on camera.
● Consider talent that has experience in corporate video production.
● Help your talent to prepare for their time on-camera by telling them not to wear stripes or heavy patterns.
● Encourage talent to wear block colors and, to avoid colors that will make them appear washed out.
● Ask women to wear makeup as they would for an evening out. Not necessarily heavy, but definitely bold in color.
● Choose accessories that will not be distracting.
● Consider allowing internal talent wear what they would normally wear if they will be on camera. It will make them more comfortable and will prevent distraction from an internal audience that cannot get over the fact that the boss, who never wears a suit and tie is actually dressed up!

Remember, talent is a vital element of your corporate video. While it is great to have members from the office in the film, narration or other talents should be considered possibly from an outsider.

2. Location for the Shoot

bbp crew 3 camera ops

A corporate video may be best shot at the office or nearby but only if there is enough room, and it makes sense to do so based on the storyline of the video. While you may think that the boardroom is the ideal location for the film, consider WHY that location is ideal?

Does that location show the workers in their true state? Does it show your business for what it really is? Probably not! And, as a result, it’s probably not the best location for the shoot.

When choosing the location, consider:

● A location that will not have a lot of noise interference.
● A location that shows your employees in their natural state.
● A location that allows for plenty of camera movement and the right angles to be captured.
● A background that is inviting and not overwhelming.

If the only option you have to shoot the corporate video is in the office, consider any steps that you can take in advance to make the office most presentable for the video. Even a small addition of fresh flowers or a corporate banner can make an otherwise drab office feel more vibrant just in time for the shoot.

3. The Production Process

person using professional video camera

Finally, you need to consider the production process and what you should expect during the time when your corporate video is captured. When the film crew arrives, what will happen? Do you know what to expect?

The corporate video production crew will likely arrive at least an hour before the film shoot is set to begin. This allows plenty of time for them to prepare and hammer out last minute technical issues.

Ask Questions!

Be prepared to work with the crew during this time to help them navigate the location and to answer any questions they may have of you.

Now is also a great time for you to ask what will happen during the production process, this way you can be prepared. Ask what the expectations are of you and your office team so that you know what to do. Sometimes, just eliminating fear of the unknown is enough for a more natural appearance during the production.

Ready to hire a professional corporate video production company to capture your corporate film on camera? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808! We can’t wait to get started!