Benefits of Hiring Main Event Video Production for Annual Corporate Events

Benefits of Hiring Main Event Video Production for Annual Corporate Events

Once a year, corporations hold annual events that traditionally bring together the upper management and the lower-level employees as well as their close family members or friends for a big to-do. This year, with social distancing and COVID-19, threatens to change the annual corporate events that take place just before the holidays or immediately after the holiday season. While some corporate events will likely take place virtually, it’s likely that certain annual corporate event parties will still take place in-person, with a live audience and guest-list. Thus, you need to hire main event video productions to capture the excitement and fun — regardless of whether your event is in-person or online. 


    Hiring main event video productions to come and capture your big corporate showdown is not only important, it’s beneficial to your brand! In fact, with the right production and the right event planning and rollout, you’re going to see several benefits that come from your planning and proper hiring of help. Let’s discuss those now…


    If you’re already thinking, this is my corporate event, it’s not a story — you’re wrong! By hiring staff specializing in main event video productions you can bet that your main event is going to have a name and a story to go along with it. The branding of your event and the planning that will come with hiring a professional to help you tell the story are absolutely vital to your success!

    For example, you’re probably thinking “this is just a corporate event, an annual thing, we do it every year.” And that’s likely true! But, instead of calling it “XYZ Company Annual Event” when you hire a storyteller to help with your event, you’re going to get so much more. It all starts with the name! Main event video productions are going to develop a name that suits the event and brings greater recognition and representation to the big to-do. Perhaps your annual event will be called, “XYZ Company 2020: A Year of Surprises” or “XYZ Company 2020: Social Celebrating.” Whatever the name is, it should attract people to your event and it should begin to tell the story of the event itself.


    Both literally and figuratively, when hiring a main event video production crew, you’re bringing a crew in to set the stage for your event and the success it will achieve. There’s nothing worse or less engaging than a poorly set-up event stage. Your audience, be them employees, family members, or friends of employees, are all looking to this stage and expect to see it deliver the story of your corporate mission and the past 12-months. Hiring a professional ensures:

    ● A stage that’s exciting and interactive.

    ● An immersive atmosphere.

    ● Lighting, texture, and backgrounds that work together in-person, and in the video.

    ● The conveyance of the core message and story.

    ● A cohesive appearance.


    Main event video production is a must for your corporate annual event if you want to bring your employees together and get them engaged with one another for the hours of your event. Hiring a professional production crew to help with the event ensures that all bases are covered — including engagement! Talk with the production crew about the options, but some of the ways that employees can interact and engage at an annual corporate event include:

    ● Interactive surveys.

    ● Interactive trivia sessions or polls.

    ● Live Q & A sessions.

    ● Games & team building.

    ● Ongoing collection of employee input after the event.


    Hiring a main event video production crew to help you produce your corporate annual event ensures two major things — a flawless production and that all of your bases are covered! You get one time a year to bring your employees together for a big event — you don’t want anything to go wrong! Hiring an event production crew ensures that your event goes without a hitch. You’ll have crew members working to plan and execute your event in advance and their knowledge of events and the various hiccups that could occur is unsurpassed — this means, they’ll have most if not all of the potential bases covered for plans A, B, and C should something go wrong. 

    bbp-film set

    Your employees are counting on a great annual corporate event — and you are too! Ready to hire main event video production members that take your event as seriously as you do? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!