Estimating Motion Graphics Cost Per Minute

Motion graphics video pricing can vary just as with any other style of video production. There are rates associated with producing the video, those associated with editing, and those associated with things like scriptwriting and character design. Estimating motion graphics cost per minute can be tough to achieve, especially if you don’t have all of the details of the video set forth. However, we’re aiming to break down some of the cost estimates so that you have a better idea of what to expect for your motion graphics videos. Follow along!

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Cost Per Minute Explained

Motion graphics video rates are generally defined at a total cost per minute. This means that the rate you will pay for motion graphics video is based on the total number of finished video minutes. A video that is 1 minute long will likely cost less than a 2 or 3-minute video under the pricing. Typically the average motion graphics cost per minute is between $2,000 and $5,000 without any complex characters. The addition of characters or 3D animations can quickly cause this cost to go to more than $5,000 per minute and even into the range of $10,000 or $20,000 per minute.

Characters Increase Cost

Characters are complex animations and require advanced motion graphics skillsets beyond the basics. That’s why the addition of a single character to a motion graphics video can increase the total price per minute to more than $5,000. Multiple characters can make that rate multiple exponentially as each character requires complex details, animations, and defined features in order to have a part in the story. It’s almost like the addition of a character is akin to adding a role to the film.

Motion Graphics Explainer Video

Less Discussed Costs

There are also costs that may not be immediately discussed when you ask about the cost to produce motion graphics. For example, the addition of multiple revisions will equate to higher potential costs of the production. Additionally, changing the work order or adjusting characters after they have been produced will substantially add to the total estimated motion graphics cost per minute. Keep these factors in mind when working with your production crew early on in the project. Make sure that all details are accounted for upfront so that there are complex needs to revise the video footage after the fact.

magnifying glass Hidden fees


Finally, a key factor in the total motion graphics cost per minute will be the deadline. Motion graphics require complex animation skills and editing that takes time. Deadlines that crunch this and put pressure on the crew will likely equate to higher cost per minute rates. This is because the crew will have to work overtime to ensure the timely completion of your motion graphics project.

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Need more information on motion graphics cost per minute? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!

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