Benefits of Using Psychotherapy Videos in Therapist Training

The use of psychotherapy videos represent an increasingly common means of training therapists. Psychotherapy videos can document practices and procedures, improve self-awareness of therapists, and provide an opportunity to increase learner improvement among newly educated clinicians when they are used in day-to-day practice. These are just a few of the benefits of psychotherapy videos in therapist training. Here are a few more.


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Real Time Observations

The use of psychotherapy videos represents an opportunity for therapists and clinicians to observe, in real-time, sessions that are taking place.

With the help of a professional video production crew and appropriate software, HD video and accompanying high quality audio of a session can be captured for analysis and observation.

Real time observation, especially in therapist training, allows for interactive engagement from the instructor to deliver key supports during the session.

psychotherapy video

Assessments in Real Time

Psychotherapy videos also allow for clinician assessment to take place in real time. This means that the clinician can get key feedback on the session right away so that they can immediately apply what they hear to the session that just took place.

Using professional observation equipment and recordings, instructors can deliver assessments to therapists right away following a live counseling session.

Not only is this a growing trend in psychotherapy training, it’s a very beneficial trend as it allows student therapists to learn and grow more quickly.

psychotherapy videos

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Improved Therapist Self-Awareness

Much of becoming a great therapist is about growing internally and having a strong self-awareness. The use of psychotherapy videos to train therapists helps to improve learner self-awareness.

Studies prove that watching a video recording of a session will help the learner to observe his or her own personal techniques while assessing and identifying areas of improvement.

This increased self-awareness can lead to improved treatment outcomes and higher patient functioning, too. As you can see, the benefits of using psychotherapy videos in therapist training are numerous. To get started with creating HIPAA compliant psychotherapy videos, call Beverly Boy Productions today.