How to Address Multiple Learning Styles in Online Video Courses 

Everyone learns at a different pace and with different enthusiasm. In fact, even though many of us may learn similarly to others, we’re all a little bit different in our own special sort of ways. Learning how to address multiple learning styles in online video courses is an important step for any course creator to consider, especially if they want to reach a wide audience with their content. To help you maximize the success you have with your online video course, and to ensure you have a wide audience of satisfied viewers, we’ve put together a list of tips to help you learn how to address multiple learning styles in online video courses.

Be Aware of Different Types of Learners

The first step to producing a course that’s going to address the various learning styles is to be aware of the different ways that people learn. Instructors that are aware of the different learning styles already have a leg up against the competition in regards to reaching a wider audience because they accept the fact that we’re all a little different and we all respond differently to the information that is being taught to us.

When it comes to learning, the following learning styles are common:

  • Visual learners
  • Social learners
  • Auditory learners
  • Kinesthetic learners

Learning how to address multiple learning styles in online video courses is incredibly important particularly as certain features of a traditional classroom are eliminated with online video course style learning. The hands-on learner might struggle greatly with a video course, especially if there are no steps taken to accommodate his learning style. The same goes for other learning styles, too. If they are not being accommodated, the student is likely to struggle.

Addressing the Visual Learner with Online Video

Learning how to address multiple learning styles in online video courses is a lot like figuring out how to address the different learning styles in the classroom. The teacher must find accommodations that work within the lesson that they’re trying to provide. For visual learners, online video courses are ideal in many ways because they provide an opportunity to visualize charts, images, and announcements that would otherwise be spoken in a traditional classroom setting. Video does a really great way of accommodating these learners without a lot of added insight required.

Addressing the Social Learner with Online Video

Social learners happen to enjoy their time in the classroom working with others in an environment that allows them to enjoy the company of their fellow classmates. Accommodating the social learner in an online video course can be challenging, particularly because the classroom environment is taken away in lieu of the television or monitor. However, interactive video courses can improve the social “feel” for online course particularly when students are asked to chime in and answer questions, to socialize with one another during the course, or to otherwise engage in one-on-one opportunities set forth by the instructor. 

The key here is that online video courses must build in the opportunity for social interaction in order to accommodate these types of learners. This can be achieved by incorporating polls, Q&A sessions, and forums in order to facilitate the learning outcomes of these students.

Addressing the Auditory Learner with Online Video

Auditory learners can listen to a lecture, even a real long lecture, and come out perfectly informed. Some might call them a “special breed,” because they are able to listen contently for hours and they learn quite a bit from it. For these learners, as long as there is information that they can listen to, they will be comfortable. You can accommodate these learners by thinking objectively about the narration of your online video course and making sure that the most vital parts of the course are narrated and not only provided in visual format.

Most online video courses accommodate auditory learners along with the visual learners without really having to go above and beyond. Just remember that someone is listening to your lecture!

Addressing the Kinesthetic Learner with Online Video

Kinesthetic learners enjoy hands-on activities which can make online video courses kind of tough for them. Learning how to address multiple learning styles in online video courses, particularly where kinesthetic learners are involved, generally requires some integration of offline assignments that can be provided to the learner in conjunction with the online video course.

For these learners, consider offering assignments, note-taking, and interactive experiences that will allow the learner to engage in the activity that is being administered via video, from a hands-on approach. Consider verbally explaining what the learner should “do” so that he or she can interact in real-time. Replace written assignments with hands-on activities that keep your learner engaged and entertained, especially when it comes to course concepts that are of most interest.

As you can see, learning how to address multiple learning styles in online video courses is something that any course creator should consider carefully in order to ensure the most positive outcome for a wide audience of students. Want help creating your video course? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!