What Should I Include in a Film Production Budget in New York City?

There are so many different elements to consider when planning a production budget, especially if you’re filming in a new city and have to figure out travel costs and related expenses. Every filmmaker knows that planning is essentially when it comes to preparing a film production budget. New York City filmmakers already have an idea of what to expect in regards to local pricing and budgeting needs, but for a filmmaker coming into the city to produce, added research may be necessary in order to be sure that the appropriate expenses are budgeted out. 

Planning a film production budget in New York City is an intricate process that requires a lot of careful considerations and planning. Knowing exactly what to include and how to estimate production costs for a new town can be challenging.

Let’s take a look at what you should include in your film production budget:

Above the Line Expenses

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Above the line expenses are for those who have the strongest creative say in the film and are considered essential to the production. They’re irreplaceable and considered the creative foundation of the film. Lead actors, supporting actors, and those with major roles in the production are included here.

Above the line expenses for a film production budget in New York City are likely to be higher than they might be in other areas of the country, especially in smaller cities or towns.

New York City has a generally higher cost of living at 129% the national average which means that you can expect the Producer, Director, and DP to expect higher salaries in NYC than they may in somewhere that the cost of living is below average like Birmingham, AL where the cost of living is 74% of the national average.

Keep in mind that above the line expenses include salaries and payments for:

  • Story & Script Writer
  • Producer
  • Director
  • Director of Photography

Below the Line Expenses

Below the line expenses are paid to those who are considered secondary crew members that support the film production such as crew and those who are replaceable. These workers are typically not paid as much and some are not paid at all. 

Preparing a film production budget in New York City will require careful examination of what filmmakers references as “below the line” expenses. These include salaries paid to the camera crew which may include:

  • Camera Operator – up to $400 per hour
  • Grip/Electrical – $400-$600 per day
  • Sound Recordist – $900 – $1200 per day
  • Digital Image Technician – $500 – $700 per day
  • Narrator – up to $400 per hour

Below the line costs include camera department costs, lighting and sound, art, production department costs, make-up and hair, costume, and additional staff.

You’ll also include things like production design, location costs, equipment and insurance, as well as transportation below the line. Remember, if you’re traveling to NYC to film, transportation costs will be a big portion of your budget!

Below the Line Post-Production

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Creating your film production budget in New York City should also include costs for post-production tasks such as editing, post-production sound, the addition of main and ending titles, and various other visual effects.

When planning your post-production budget needs, keep in mind that you might be able to take care of your post-production editing and related tasks at your “home” studio even if you traveled to New York City for your shoot. This could reduce costs versus hiring someone in the city.

Budget more for post-production if your film will include a lot of visual effects. This is also a good time to think about music and sound.

If you’ll be using music that is not royalty-free, such as music that is widely recognized and known, you could see significantly higher costs involved. Music can actually get very expensive. 

Distribution costs are also included below the line. As you plan your film production budget in New York City, think about where and how you will distribute your film and plan the associated costs involved.

Film festivals will have fees for entrance. DVD sales require upfront purchase of the product. All of these considerations should be made when planning your film production budget in New York City.