How to Create a Virtual Art Exhibition

Curating and producing a virtual art exhibition is something relatively new to the internet. Where people once enjoyed visiting art galleries and exhibits in person, much of that has been slowed due to COVID-19 and the need to close major areas of heavy human traffic to slow the spread of the virus. As a result, many museums have been shut down for several months with no opening day insight. Those that are open, have seen limited foot traffic because people are afraid to be in public areas. But if you know how to create a virtual art exhibition, you could share gallery-style art exhibits with audience members without requiring in-person attendance. 

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Curate Your Exhibit

First, you must curate your virtual art exhibit. The virtual art gallery will be a compilation of your various art exhibits that people can interact with and view. While curating your art exhibit, consider a specific niche or theme just as a standard art exhibit would. You might choose a historical theme, a time period, or an artist to curate art that is created by artists or created by artists from a particular genre. 

Art Exhibition

Film & Capture Art

Next, you’ll need to film art. You’ll want to make sure that your art is captured from all angles and ideally, using a 360-degree camera viewport similar to those used in creating real estate videos. This way, your art exhibit can be viewed from each direction, and angle, that a normal exhibitor would appreciate. Consider offering a tour of your exhibit that can be viewed from a cell phone, laptop, or computer.

This is where most museums choose to hire a professional to help them. As they learn how to create a virtual art exhibition, they realize that the filming and capture of art in a way that will showcase the finest details that each exhibitionist may seek is not something for a layman to do. This requires a professional cameraman and crew.

Virtual Art Exhibition

Host Virtual Art Gallery

Finally, once you have created the appropriate footage of your art exhibit you can host the art in a virtual gallery for viewers to enjoy. Virtual art galleries can be hosted on your own website or on museum minisites where you can invite exhibit viewers to attend. The process is relatively simple once you have the art footage captured from a professional. 

Setting up live streaming gear in Frankfurt

Promote Art Exhibition

Once you’ve hosted your art, it’s time to start inviting people to view your virtual art exhibit. Promoting your art exhibition is much like promoting your museum or in-person art exhibit. You’ll likely use a mix of email, social media marketing, and various forms of digital marketing to promote your exhibit and get the word out to the art world. 

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Need help learning how to create a virtual art exhibition? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!

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