6 Benefits of Hosting Online Virtual Events

In-person events are largely being scaled back in lieu of online virtual events and for good cause. While face-to-face meetings will always be important, restrictions to in-person events have altered the playing field and changed the way we think of online virtual events. Largely more accepted and viewed as safer, online virtual events have several benefits.

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#1. Cheaper Alternative

In-person events require venue, vendors, security, staff, setup and take down, etc. The list of expenses associated with hosting an in-person event is huge. However, hosting online virtual events cuts many of these costs out completely and lowers others.

In fact, online virtual events represent a cheaper alternative to the in-person event as the only major cost involved is the virtual event meeting room and the technology to host the event.

Virtual face-to-face meetings

#2. Flexible Attendance

Online virtual events are more flexible for attendees than in-person events. Instead of having to fly to a venue, book a hotel, take time off, and attend in-person, an online virtual event allows for attendance with few limitations.

The flexibility alone will have more attendees considering the invite.

#3. Improved KPI Monitoring & Feedback

Hosting online virtual events means you have immediate access to key performance indicators that would have taken weeks to compile from an in-person event.

Feedback from your event is available in real-time via polls, surveys and Q&A sessions that take place between your presenters and your audience.

Using the data that you gather; you can improve your event as you go — another major benefit to hosting online virtual events.

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#4. Improved Networking

Networking at online virtual events is improved quickly and easily. Attendees have access to multiple areas of the event from a single login and can network with other attendees with ease.

Important information like name, title, and social media profiles can be made available for added networking ease.

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#5. Variable Options for Greater Reach

Online virtual events allow you to offer more options to keynote speakers and can improve your reach versus an in-person event.

Sessions can be interactive, and you can even offer multiple language options so that there are no geographic hindrances or language barriers. These options will improve reach for your event.

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#6. Global Access

Event planning is always about how far and wide can you expand the reach of the event. With an online virtual event, global access to the event can quickly and easily be achieved.

Offering the event online allows people from every area of the world the opportunity to engage and be a part of the fun.

Promoting the event on social media and within your online network further increases reach and the potential for global audience access. Ready to get started with an online virtual event? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today at 888-462-7808.