In-House Video Production vs Outsourcing Video Production

Consumers love watching videos. In fact, 9 out of 10 customers state that they would like to see more videos from businesses and brands that they already know or are interested in. If you’re trying to figure out where video production fits into your day-to-day marketing initiatives, particularly whether to choose in-house video production vs. outsourcing, you’re likely to face several challenges in your thought process. Certainly both options present benefits and drawbacks, so how do you decide which is best for your brand?

This is particularly important for businesses that are looking to increase their production output in the coming months to meet the growing consumer need for video content. 54% of consumers want to see more video content this year, specifically from a brand or business they support. In fact, 72% of customers say that they are more interested in learning about a product or service by way of video than through things like written text or static image ads. 

There’s no question that video is important, nor is there any question as to the need for brands to produce more video. But should that video be created in-house or is outsourcing the answer? 

camera crew records personalized video content

In-House Video Production vs. Outsourcing Video Production

First, let’s lay down the law in regards of the two types of video production we’re talking about: in-house video production vs. outsourcing video production.  In-house video production means you have the equipment, tools, and resources to produce videos within your business and you hire or assign the task of video production to a team member. Likewise, outsourcing video production means that you hire a third-party freelancer or video production company to handle the process for you.

Whether you bring the video production in-house, or you outsource video production, the process is likely to include the following:

  • Writing the video script.
  • Preparing the video storyboard and shot list.
  • Finding and securing the shoot location. (location scouting)
  • Acquiring any necessary equipment including lighting, cameras, audio, and props.
  • Filming the shoot.
  • Post-production editing and the addition of motion graphics, special effects, or animations.

If it looks like a lot of work, that’s because it IS a lot of work! Whether in-house video production vs. outsourcing video production becomes the mainstay for your brand, the routines and goals are much the same. Producing video content requires a lot of practice, skill, experience, and expertise. It also requires a lot of expensive equipment!

Both in-house video production and outsourcing video production have potential benefits and drawbacks. In-house production typically can be achieved in a short time period, often with videos being released the same day with minimal editing involved. Likewise, outsourcing video production often means you get the latest equipment and gear, as well as the top expertise, put into your project – so you’re bound to stand out against the competition.

Pros of In-House Video Production

Producing videos in-house will have some benefits over outsourcing. You know what you like, and what your brand style is. You have a strong understanding of your brand and your business, so there’s no learning curve in regards to understanding the goals of the company. In fact, you’ll maintain full creative control of your video projects so you can assure the output is exactly what you want.

Cons of In-House Video Production

Unfortunately, when you’re producing in-house, you face some challenges that you are less likely to encounter if you outsource. For instance, camera equipment is very expensive and software can take years to master.  If you’re hiring someone with videography skills to produce content for you in-house, you’re taking on a full-time salary on top of the equipment expenses. Your hiring budget would then also limit your in-house production crew size, and that would explicitly limit your video output. The alternative would be that your team wear many different hats as it prepares to take on video production tasks that may or may not be part of their skill set. 

Pros of Outsourcing Video Production

It’s certainly possible for you to purchase the same equipment, software, and hardware that a video production company like Team Beverly Boy has at their disposal. However, there are camera rigs alone that cost $50,000 or more upfront, and some of the software required for editing can be extremely pricey, too. Additionally, even if you were to have the same exact editing software, you might not have the advanced skills that a professional who works everyday in the industry editing films would have. So one of the biggest pros to outsourcing video production is the mere fact that a professional production crew brings with them top technology and experience. 

When it comes to choosing between in-house video production vs outsourcing, you can expect more expertise, greater video quality, and stronger output if you outsource. Outsourcing can actually be more affordable, efficient, and effective than producing in-house. 

Cons of Outsourcing

Although these are not necessarily negative factors in regards to outsourcing video production, they are important considerations for you to make. If you outsource, you will have to bring your production team up to speed on your brand identity, mission, and style. You won’t have full creative control of the project, but you will have the right to choose what you like and what you don’t.  

Ultimately, deciding between in-house video production vs outsourcing video production is a matter that your business will have to carefully consider. Most business owners find that outsourcing has a greater likelihood for success as there are less upfront investments or requirements in order to get the ball rolling. By outsourcing, you get to begin to see ROI from your efforts much more quickly than you may have otherwise if you were to have so much invested into video production in-house.