5 Businesses that Benefit from Website Video Production 

Business that use video on their websites are quickly finding that video increases conversions, boosts traffic, and has the power to drive more sales. While we can argue that all businesses should be using website video production to their advantage, certain types of businesses are poised to benefit substantially more from this service than others. Videos represent an efficient means of consumer information delivery. That said, these 5 businesses will benefit most from website video production. 

1. Advertising Agencies 

Advertising agencies that use website video production services can increase the frequency of consumer visits to their site and can keep consumers on their site longer. Both time on site, and frequency of repeat visits are metrics that Google uses to determine the value of a site. Therefore, advertising agencies that utilize website video production services are set to essentially tell Google to place higher value on their brands. 

Advertising agencies that produce creative campaigns report increased client satisfaction and increased consumer demand. Both of these are vital to their business growth. Two key metrics that show the value in website video production for this business. 

Advertising Billboard

2. Event Planning Services 

Event planners are always looking to showcase their work. What better way than to share videos on their website? Website video production services for event planning companies can focus on sharing details such as vendor relations, decorations, and venue connections to prove their event planning practices. 

Clients that see event planners at work, and are able to view videos that showcase how wonderfully an event came together as well as testimonials from past event vendors or organizers will be more likely to sign up with an event planner. Website video production is an absolute must for this type of business. 

3. Fitness Trainers 

Fitness trainers have long found website video production to be valuable to their success but now more than ever they need video. Many fitness trainers are not able to work face-to-face with consumers as a result of COVID-19. Website video production for fitness trainers represents a way for them to continue to deliver expert fitness classes while limiting social interactions. Website video production for fitness 

trainers can boost conversions and increase consumer knowledge of the fitness examples being delivered by the trainer. 

Exercise / Fitness / Activity

4. Educational Trainers & Instructors 

Like fitness trainers, educational trainers and instructors can use website videos to help students better understand the concepts and topics they are trying to teach. Website video production for educational trainers allows these businesses to continue to boost consumer understanding of their skills and offering without requiring students to seek information or supporting documents outside their website. 

5. Travel Businesses 

Travel and hospitality businesses benefit greatly from website video production services. These businesses can attract potential customers by sharing views of their hotels, interior or exterior businesses, local events, and specialty services. Travel businesses may also target restaurants, attractions and nearby destinations to boost consumer confidence in their brand. Website video production is a must for this industry.