3 Reasons to Consider Safety Training Video Production 

Most of what we learn via a video is actually retained. In fact, studies have proven that we can retain nearly 90% of what we see, hear, and say. Therefore, safety training video production that focuses on delivering engaging training videos that show safety steps, spell them out, and speak them verbally to the audience is most likely to be retained by our staff. Safety training is a necessary element to running a safe, controlled business. But training takes time, and time is money. If you’re on a time crunch, but you realize the importance of employee safety training, video production that focuses on delivering training to your employees may be the answer to your dilemma. 

Checkout these 3 reasons you should consider safety training video production to keep your employees engaged and learning — all while your business continues to profit. 

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1.Keep Costs Down 

Safety training video production can reduce your training costs by a substantial amount. Let’s say you train an average of 30 new employees per year. If you were to pay for employee training in a set location, travel expenses alone could cost you upwards of 30K. Likewise, if you were to pay for management training for each new employee, for say 3 days of side-by-side support, you would pay out 90 total management days for your training — that could really quickly add up! 

However, safety training video production crews are able to produce a single safety training video package that will support your new hire training. Now you don’t have to pay employees to travel, they can watch the videos before they arrive for their first shift. LIkewise, you no longer have to pay for management training in one-on-one sessions, so you can save substantially there as well. Statistically, Microsoft used video training instead of classroom training for employees and was able to reduce total training from about $300 to under $20 — a savings of 93.3%! 

2.Measurable Success 

If you hold safety training sessions in a classroom, how will you be certain that the employees or staff members actively learned and engaged? How do you know the training was a success? You really don’t! 

But safety training video production allows you to produce training videos that can be tracked and measured to gauge employee success with the content. Consider training content that has active popup questions throughout the video to engage employees during the training. You’ll be able to see incorrectly 

answered questions and when the content is done being watched you have a measurable guide as to how much of the content was viewed, what was learned, what employees struggle with and what you need to do to improve overall success. 

3.Reduce Complication & Improve Retention 

Finally, safety training video production represents a way for you to break down complicated information into easy to digest and understand concepts. Using visuals, explanations, and engaging graphics, even the most challenging safety issues can be fully learned and understood by employees. What’s more, video content is retained much more accurately than written content that someone is forced to read. 

Brands that have complex safety needs, especially those in the healthcare services industry, should consider using the services of a safety training video production company like Team Beverly Boy to improve retention and reduce the overall perceived complication of topics that are to be covered. Hire a safety training video production crew to help you create engaging safety training today.