Top Qualities of the Best E Learning Videos & Educational Content

The use of video for training and teaching purposes is a growing trend that appears to be gaining popularity. If you’re trying to make the Best E Learning Videos or educational content, it’s important to plan for the inclusion of some very important qualities and features that are vital to the success of your content. Amazing E Learning videos are the result of including certain qualities that are sure to make a memorable impact on your audience.

Why are E Learning Videos so Popular?

E-Learning videos are incredibly effective in teaching and training important concepts to your student audience. They not only save time and money on integrate training programs, they improve consistency and quality of training programs, too. In fact, e-learning videos have become incredibly popular because:

-Younger people prefer video over other content formats.

-Employees are more inclined to watch video than they are to read long text.

-We recall more of what we see on video than what we read – up to 80% more!

-Employers report substantial savings on video training programs over other training program formats. IBM saved $579M over 2 years with training videos!

The fact that the Best E Learning Videos have the potential to teach, train, and educate your audience on a wide variety of topics while saving time & money are just a few of the reasons why e learning videos are so popular!

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Qualities of the Best E Learning Videos

The popularity of e learning videos is largely contingent on the production of top quality educational content that stands out to your target audience and teaches them how to achieve the learning goals or objectives that you set forth with your educational video content. In order to achieve success with your educational video content, it’s important to set specific goals for success. Your videos need certain qualities in order to be successful for you!


The Best E Learning Videos have the following essential qualities:

-They’re relatable to the target audience.

-They have engaging content that the audience connects with.

-They include interactive opportunities such as question & answer sessions and scenarios-based opportunities to engage.

-They are organized with learning goals and objectives set forth to ensure students achieve specific learning outcomes.

-They are visually aesthetic and balanced to attract student eyes to the appropriate areas of the screen for improved understanding of the content being taught.


Great videos are the result of great planning and essential understanding of the target audience. It’s also important to know when to use video and when not to. For instance, the Best E Learning Videos follow essential guidelines in terms of knowing when to use video to teach or train including:

-When video makes sense to visually model behavior or skills.

-When video makes sense to demonstrate a task or how to achieve a particular goal.

-Using video to reduce the amount of content that would have to be read in order to understand the lesson being taught.

-Using video to emphasize important concepts or points.

-Using video to create a stronger emotional appeal than you could with stand-alone images or text.


Creating the Best E Learning Videos and educational content requires a firm understanding of who you’re creating the content for and why. The best videos are planned around the audience to ensure instruction is understood, targeted to the specific learner, and focused on teaching an outcome that is meaningful to the audience.

The Best E Learning Videos are Engaging

All other important qualities and aspects of the Best E Learning Videos aside, top e learning videos are engaging and interactive! Students need the opportunity to engage and interact with what they’re learning in an e learning video in order to maintain an ever-shrinking attention span that may otherwise threaten to draw them away from the learning initiative or goal.


Including engagement opportunities and interactive moments in e learning videos will help your students keep their interest in the content that you’re providing. Training and educational content that is provided within your e learning video should encourage students to actively participate and interact with the educational material as it is delivered to them. Some of the ways that the Best E Learning Videos are engaging and interactive include:

-Incorporating inline checks or checkpoints that validate student progress with quizzes, short assessments, or other interactive learning initiatives.

-Including interactive elements such as click to reveal, hot spots, or carousal moments into the video content.

-Using scenarios-based teaching to help students understand the impact of their decisions by providing unique pathways by which students can choose the direction or path of the course thereby exhibiting the outcomes of correct, and incorrect, choices.

-Using learner progress tracking to monitor performance during a video course.


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As you can see, some of the top qualities of the Best E Learning Videos are those that focus on providing an interactive and engaging opportunity for students to learn that course content. For assistance in planning and producing e learning videos that are going to deliver powerful educational experiences to your audience, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!