Surprising Technology Needs to Host a Virtual Gathering

As companies large and small shift their focus from in-person events to largely virtual gatherings, many are finding that they are not fully prepared for the technology needs that come with hosting a virtual gathering of employees or prospective clientele. In fact, while the idea of hosting a virtual meetup may sound great at first, many businesses are finding that there’s a lot more to it than they had originally thought of, and — it’s usually best to hire a professional. 

Hosting a virtual gathering is something that you may be considering now that in-person gatherings have been extremely limited or event restricted altogether, but do you have the technology necessary to host a successful gathering of employees or customers online? There’s more to it than a webcam and a desire — here’s what you need to have in order if you want to host a successful virtual gathering.

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Live Streaming Software

We all pretty much have access to this. It’s no surprise that if you intend to live stream your virtual gathering you’re going to need a software that accommodates the Livestream video technology. Your options aren’t endless, but you’ve got several platforms to choose from including Youtube Live, Facebook Live, your own Livestream via a website, and products like Periscope and Twitch. For full control, you may consider hosting the Livestream on your own website.

Setting up live streaming gear in Vienna

Video Equipment

This isn’t cheap! Professional video equipment is rather expensive which is why many businesses that decide to begin hosting virtual meetings and gatherings online choose to hire a professional production crew. However, whether you choose to go pro or you choose to purchase the video equipment you need to get going, you’re going to need the following:

● A video camera or cameras.

● A tripod or tripods.

● Professional lighting equipment.

● Professional audio equipment including microphones.

Additionally, you may benefit from hiring a professional production crew to help you host your Livestream as they have their own equipment and can instill things like graphics, lower thirds, and various branding that you may not be able to pull off on your own.

Live streaming a conference in Tokyo

Webinar Technology

Hosting virtual gatherings often take place via a Webinar. Much like the Livestream software options, you have several Webinar options to choose from including Zoom, GoToWebinar, and Livestorm. However, if you want complete functionality and the ability to fully control all settings, you’ll need a private Webinar setup which can be quite costly. Most choose to go with one of these budget-friendly, already tested webinar platforms to get started.

Live Webinar

Strong, Reliable WiFi Connection

You might think your WiFi is good, but have you tested it out on a Livestream with multiple people engaging? Have you tried to stream live, 4K video? You need to triple check your WiFi connection and make sure that you have a consistent uptime. Otherwise, there’s a good chance that you’ll find yourself losing out in the middle of your virtual gatherings. 

Professional crews have the equipment to ensure consistent WiFi connection and uptime for your Livestream. While this is something you may not have considered before, I bet you’ll think closely about it if you find your connection lost during the keynote speech!


Event Software

There are several options that exist to help you keep track of your event and plan the entire ordeal. This includes things like managing the vendors and contracts that you have for the event as well as tracking registrations and sign-ups. If you haven’t considered event planning software, this is a technology that will really help you create a virtual gathering that is effective and efficient for you and your team. Of course, you don’t have to purchase software, you can always resort to old school techniques of spreadsheet tracking and similar processes — it’s just going to take more time.

Paris live streaming for the web

Now that you the various technology needs that go into hosting virtual gatherings, how do you feel about handling the process on your own? Ready to hire a professional? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!

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