Quick & Easy Tips for Effective Brand Product Marketing Videos

Producing Brand Product Marketing Videos that will get your business noticed is certainly something that both large and small businesses are focused on these days. With consumers spending more and more time watching video content online, brands are more focused now than ever before on producing content that resonates with them and speaks for their brand. At Team Beverly Boy, we know what it takes to produce Brand Product Marketing Videos that will get your business noticed. Follow these quick and easy tips for effective brand product marketing that will make your business stand out!

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Keep Videos Short & Engaging

This might be a tip that you hear a lot, but it’s for a very good reason! Consumer attention spans are shorter than they’ve ever been which means you’ve got about 8 seconds to make an impression on your audience and to show them that what you’ve got to say is worth their time. Making sure that your videos are short will ensure higher overall view rates and that your audience reaches your call-to-action. Making them engaging, will ensure that you grab their attention and keep it!

Use the “Front-Loading” Technique in Videos

When creating Brand Product Marketing Videos a front-loading technique is best. In doing so, you’re going to give the main points of your content away upfront, almost immediately. The purpose of this is to give your audience the most important information right away so that they will retain it and so that a large audience is going to get the majority of your content. Since videos tend to lose viewers as they wane on, putting the most important details upfront ensures your audience gets the most important information out of your content.

Keep it Interesting

Recent studies have found that 65% of marketers state that engage content is difficult to produce. For this purpose, and many others, most marketers choose to hire a professional to assist them in the production of Brand Product Marketing Videos that are most likely to keep their audience satisfied and seeking more. While video is the most commonly used type of content marketing these days, it means that you’ve got a ton of competition to face!

Consumers watched 12.2B minutes of video in 2020 alone and since then, consumer video use has continued to grow. This means you’ve got a lot of different content to compete with if you’re going to employ the likes of video marketing for your business. Keeping your content interesting, and engaging will be key to the overall success of your brand.

Have Fun with the Process

Not only should you have fun, but your audience should find engaging with your video content to be fun. Producing Brand Product Marketing Videos that your audience will find to be fun is going to require that you know your audience very well. You must know:

-What your audience likes.

-What your audience doesn’t like.

-What your audience needs.

-What problems your audience might have.

-What pain or struggle pints your audience has.

-What your audience dreams about.

-How you can influence your audience.

If this sounds like a lot to know about an audience, it’s because it IS a lot! Many brands spend years perfecting their pitches and the messaging that they use for their target audience. It’s all part of creating effective Brand Product Marketing Videos.

Target Audience Emotions

Remember how we said you must know your audience, it’s pretty important to understand what makes your audience tick so that you can target their emotions with your marketing videos. While this is your opportunity to humanize your business, it’s also an open invitation to appeal to the people that are most influential to your business or brand.

You’re probably wondering how you can target your audiences’ emotions with your Brand Product Marketing Videos. Fortunately there are some steps that you can take:

-Be open and honest with your audience. Nothing will be called out faster than dishonesty or a lack of authenticity among your brand!

-Empathize with your audience to show that you not only understand, but that you care about their needs.

-Use storytelling to connect with your audience. Every great brand has a great story to tell.

-Identify audience pain points and offer a solution that involves your business or brand.

The more you can target audience emotions the better and more humanized your marketing videos will be.

Create Videos that are Versatile & Have Multiple Uses

If you really want to rise to the top and achieve great success with your Brand Product Marketing Videos then you’re going to either need an endless budget (which we don’t expect most to have) or you’ve got to think smart about what you’re doing! Since most brands have limited budgets, creating videos that are versatile and which have multiple uses across a wide variety of platforms is key to any successful marketing campaign.

This means you’ve got to create videos that you can use freely across a variety of platforms. You might post the same video on your website, in an email, and on Facebook. You might make small changes, for instance you might have short Brand Product Marketing Videos that you produced for your website that are 2 minutes long and in order to use them on social media, you shorten them with some basic essential editing, to make them just 45 seconds total length. Steps like these will allow you to maximize your budget while also maximizing your overall reach with the video content that you produce for your brand.

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Want to learn more about Brand Product Marketing Videos that you can produce to maximize success for your business? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!