Minority Owned Production Company in Kendall

You’re thinking about filming a video project in Kendall but you’re worried about how to ensure inclusivity during the filming process. You might want to ask a Minority Owned Production Company in Kendall about this. Beverly Boy Productions has all the answers that you need. Did you know that our goal is to help any minority entrepreneur out there succeed? We create video projects for many different small businesses that are in the area. We will even help a woman, a veteran, a member of the LGBTQ community as well as other minority group members that live in the area or require assistance with their businesses.

When you work with Beverly Boy Productions you also get vendor diversity. Many do not know that we are an African American owned production company. Few people realize that we hire minority groups as part of our team. What types of diverse individuals will you find working with us? Female crew members to name one. LGBTQ production crew members will also be available to work on your project. We support diversity in hiring these diverse and talented individuals to work with us. They are available to travel to the following Cities should you request them. Sunset, Pinecrest, Glenvar Heights.

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Minority Owned Production Company in Kendall

Beverly Boy Productions is the only company to encourage inclusivity in the film industry. We recognize that diversity and inclusion of all minority groups is an issue that needs to be addressed today. We realize that there is an underrepresented threshold in this industry. There is an importance that needs to be placed on the representation of marginalized communities; no minority groups should be left out. More effort should be made as far as cultural diversity, minority inclusivity is concerned.

How diverse is a minority owned production in Kendall? At Beverly Boy Productions we take great pride in our diversity. This means that the teams that work on the video productions will be made up of many different minority members. LGBTQ production crew members, black filmmakers as well as others are just a few of the individuals that you receive working on your project with you.

Corporate Supplier Diversity and inclusivity is attainable. All you have to do is hire the right Minority Owned Production Company in Kendall. Beverly Boy Productions is the company that you need. You’ve already heard about some of the diverse individuals that we have working on our team. Did you know that we also assist diverse clients as well? This will be good news for your business. If you live within any of these counties, we can help you with your filming needs. Miami-Dade, Broward, Brevard

Black Owned Production Company

When you hire a black owned production company there is a lot that you bring to the industry. You promote growth among minority groups, allowing these individuals a chance at success. You also support black creators by having them work on your video production and give them a chance to show their talents off to the world. At Beverly Boy Productions you get many different diverse individuals. You also get some of the most experienced individuals that the industry has to offer.

If you are filming in Kendall for the first time then you are going to need some assistance. Our black production team can show you all around the city and even share these interesting details with you: Kendall is considered one of the nicest places to live in Florida. Residents have described the area as very suburban and enjoyable. There are plenty of restaurants and attractions in the city. There’s no shortage of things to do here. A black filmmaker in Kendall not only brings talent to your film. They might recommend some of these following venues for you to have your production at: Coco Paradise, Revolution Party Venues, the 305 Club. When hiring a black owned production company in Kendall all of the stress moves from you to them. This makes filming your project even easier than you thought it would be.

Many things can be achieved when you hire the right Minority Owned Production Company in Kendall. Not only do you get the help and services that you need. You create a video production that your business will need as well. But there are other things that Beverly Boy Productions can offer you. You will be able to sit down and discuss ways that our company can help your business. This might include implementing some new marketing strategies as well as updating any other video content that you have. Anyone in the following zip codes can request services from us. 33143, 33156, 33173

What else might you want to know about working with a minority-owned production company in Kendall? They can help you with the following:

  • Cost savings
  • More opportunity. Minority owned businesses can help you expand your opportunities.
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Supplier Diversity. Working with an MBE can help diversify your clientele

Black Film Crew

Are you ready to work with a black film crew? When you hire Beverly Boy Productions that is who you will be working with. This is just one of the perks of working with a company like us. We are a Minority Owned Production Company in Kendall that Prides itself on diversity. We do not just hire diverse individuals, we have diverse clients as well. Maintaining contact with our clients throughout pre-production and story creation to post-production editing is a must of ours as well. Our clients remain informed on every step of their video production.

Are you ready to film in Kendall? Your video production can help stimulate growth in the local economy. You are supporting many local businesses in the area; however, you should probably look at some diverse businesses. Consider working with a minority-owned business. Beverly Boy Productions is one that you can hire right away. What do we bring to your video production? You will be working with diverse camera crew members. Your production will be put in charge of our black director. Our black producer will meet with you to discuss all the aspects of your video production.

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It’s time for your business to have an updated 30-second television spot, corporate interview or a series of educational videos or promos for social media. Don’t put off updating your marketing strategy or any other video content that you need.  Reach out to our Minority Owned Production Company in Kendall right away. We are always ready to help. All you have to do is give a member of Team Beverly boy a call. We can take down your information and assign you to a production crew right away.