Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell

Do you have questions regarding your video project in Brickell? Then you will need to talk to a Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell. They do their best to ensure inclusivity on every project. Their aim is to help any type of small business out there. Even one that is owned by a minority entrepreneur. They create projects to help a woman, a veteran, a member of the LGBTQ community as well. Any business owner that is a member of a minority group will receive high priority from Beverly Boy Productions regarding their video project.

There is a lot of importance regarding vendor diversity. Many people are looking for this to be offered by their chosen production company. Beverly Boy Productions is one company that offers this. That is because we are an African American own production company. We believe highly in diversity and the representation of many different minority groups. That is why you will see LGBTQ production crew members and female crew members working on our production teams. We want to help businesses within any of the following cities: Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne.

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Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell

Many people talk about diversity and inclusion but do they really know what they are doing? Do they know how to help cultural diversity, minority inclusivity become more than just a conversation? Not really. They’re missing out on the representation of marginalized communities; they are leaving many different minority groups out. This is not fair to them and creates an underrepresented threshold particularly in the film industry. That is why when you create your video production you want to work with a company that will encourage inclusivity. Beverly Boy Productions is a company that does that.

We know what it means to be a Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell. We know that there is not only a sense of responsibility. That we have to represent the vast majority of minority groups that are out there. That is why we showcase our diversity by hiring LGBTQ production crew members, black filmmakers and other minority individuals to work with us. You will see their diversity and talent when you create a video production with us.

Choosing to hire a Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell to help on your video project is a step in the right direction. You’re encouraging corporate Supplier Diversity and inclusivity. Maybe other businesses will see your example and follow it. You can create any different kind of video production that you wish with us. We have spent many years in the film industry so we know what each type of business will need. We can help businesses within the following counties with their videos: Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach

Black Owned Production Company

You are encouraged to do more to support black creators. There are a number of different ways you can do this, given your need to create a video production. Your best bet would be to hire a black owned production company. Beverly Boy Productions is the one you can hire. We have teams that are always available and eager to film. When you choose to work with us you encourage growth among minority groups. You set our teams up for success and allow them to be a part of your project.


Hiring a black owned production company in Brickell comes with numerous benefits. These would include a black filmmaker in Brickell, you will definitely need them. Should you require a venue for your video their knowledge will prove extremely helpful. They’ll recommend: Brickell Bay Hall, Aaru, Seafair Mega Yacht. You will also have our black production team available at your disposal. They can not only guide you around Brickell, but also share some of the city details with you, like: How it is located on the coast, right on Biscayne Bay. The city is very metropolitan and urban. It’s home to many condos, office buildings, as well as restaurants and sources of nightlife and entertainment.

You want to hire a Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell for many different reasons. The main one being that you want to work with a company that understands your diversity needs. You can create a high-quality video production with us. We can show just how diverse and special your business is. We can even get it in front of the eyes of the correct audience. All you need to do is just give us a call to begin creating your production plan. If you live in the following zip codes, we are also available to help you: 33129, 33130, 33131

As mentioned, a Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell brings about numerous benefits. Here are some of the others:

  • Supplier Diversity. Working with an MBE can help diversify your clientele. ●Innovation and Creativity
  • Cost savings
  • More opportunity. Minority-owned businesses can help you expand your opportunities.

Black Film Crew

At Beverly Boy Productions you will get to work side by side with our black film crew. They will keep you updated throughout pre-production and story creation to post-production editing. You will never have any doubts when working with them. You always know what’s going on with your video production. As a Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell. We can easily understand the needs of any other minority business that exists in the area. This enables us to create a better video production for them.

By soliciting services from a minority owned business you are helping the diverse business economy in Brickell. Beverly Boy Productions will offer you diverse camera crew members as well as a black director and a black producer for your video production. You not only see how diverse and talented these individuals are. You see how all their skills perfectly combine together to create a Flawless video production for you.

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As a Minority Owned Production Company in Brickell diversity is our highest priority. We already support that in the people that we hire to work with us. Now we support it in the clients that we work with as well. If your business is ready for a 30 second television spot, a corporate interview or a series of educational videos or promos for social media, just give us a call. We can begin discussing your production and what exactly you will need. This will include going over anything you might want to achieve with your video.