5 Amazing Benefits of Using Videos in Email Marketing

Video marketing is the fastest growing method of marketing online accounting for a key area of focus for more than 80% of businesses. Email marketing is also incredibly popular among the businesses and brands that know the importance of video marketing, too. But what about the importance of video in your email marketing? When you combine video marketing and email marketing, there are some amazing benefits that can come out of the mix. In fact, there are many benefits of using videos in email marketing for your brand.

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Why use Videos in Email Marketing?

So you’re not convinced?

You don’t know why you should be using videos in your email marketing campaigns?

Surely you understand the importance of video though, right?

This is the fastest growing type of content online accounting for 82% of all internet traffic. 78% of consumers watch videos online weekly and more than 55% watch daily.

In fact:

The average consumer spends 100 minutes watching video online every, single, day.

So, why would you want to use the most powerful type of marketing content in your email marketing campaigns?

The statistics surrounding the benefits of using videos in email marketing are pretty clear.

Not only does everyone love video, but brands are finding more and more that the use of video as part of their email marketing campaigns is beneficial too.

From increased open rates and click-throughs to higher overall conversions, videos in email marketing campaigns simply help to influence stronger consumer decisions and increased sales.

We’ve listed several other benefits of using videos in email marketing

1. Videos Increase Attention to Emails

Just using the word “video” in an email subject line has the power to influence an increased number of opens for the email campaign.

In fact, when “video” is used in the subject line, the email gets opened 7% or more.

Overall, when consumers know that there’s a video in an email they are 19% more likely to open the email and once they’ve opened it, they are 65% more likely to click on the email which will bring them to your website or store. 

2. Video Reduces Unsubscribe Rates

Another one of the many benefits of using videos in email marketing campaigns is that video tends to reduce the total number of unsubscribes that come when email campaigns are sent out.

This is really important because brands that send out mass email campaigns want to keep a good overall campaign grade.

When people start to unsubscribe from your campaigns, not only are you losing out on who you can target with your marketing, but too many unsubscribes could result in your emails automatically landing in the SPAM folder or your email marketing platform might limit your abilities to send more emails out. 

You don’t want this to happen.

Thankfully, when video is used in email marketing there is up to 26% fewer unsubscribes as compared to when video is not used.

3. Video Can Improve Click Through Rate

A study conducted by Biteable found that the use of video content in emails can improve click-through rates by up to 300%.

We know that click-through rates are a valuable metric to study and monitor for email marketing campaigns because the more people that click-through the email to your website or associated links, the more likely they are to purchase, follow, or otherwise engage with your brand.

You definitely want people to click on the emails that you send and to engage.

It appears video is the absolute best opportunity you have to make this happen.

Wordstream found that click-through rates were increased by 96% on initial email campaigns when the campaign included video.

Video can increase click-through rates

How Companies use Video Marketing to Influence Consumers
Again, this is proof that the use of video can increase click-through rates and drive traffic to your business or brand through your email marketing campaigns.

1. Video Increases Email Opt-Ins

Another one of the amazing benefits of using videos in email marketing is that brands which choose to use personalized video to differentiate themselves from others have significantly more opt-ins.

Many brands have made the choice to use video as a way of asking subscribers to opt-in to further communication and information offerings following recent GDPR updates which have made marketing a bit more difficult for these businesses.

One business in particular that used videos in email marketing, PortoBay Hotels, found that video helped them to increase their email opt-ins by 22K.

2. Video Increases Viewer Time 

The benefits of using videos in email marketing don’t end with click-throughs, and opt-ins.

Video increases the total amount of time that audiences will spend engaged with an email campaign, too.

We know that increased time engaging with a campaign is almost always connected to increased understanding of the campaign and increased conversions.

Brands are finding that when they incorporate video into their email marketing campaigns, they are more likely to keep the audience around longer, they are more likely to see increased interaction within their email campaigns, and they are more likely to noticed long-term conversions within their emails in the form of clicks or other events.

How Companies use Video Marketing to Influence Consumers
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