4 Reasons to Consider Recruitment Videos for your Brand

The internet has made it both better and harder to find top talent for your brand. Recruiting the best people for your brand is challenging due to all the competition you face with other brands, but it’s also widely opportunistic due to the vast reach you now have and the ability to target potential talent on a worldwide note.

Recruitment videos can be used to generate traction and greater awareness for brands large and small. If you haven’t already started using recruiting videos in your marketing mix, maybe these top reasons to consider recruitment videos for your brand will help sway your mind.

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1. Recruitment Videos Have Wide Reach

Want to reach audiences from all over the world? Post a recruitment video to social media, job boards, and other platforms and watch it take off!

With proper recruitment video production, your brand has the opportunity to reach a wider audience. Even just posting your brand story and similar background history videos to your YouTube and other social sites allows your brand to reach people on a national or international level.

Engaging recruitment videos that entertain the audience are most likely to be shared. When creating recruiting videos, think about the most entertaining features you can include to make your brand stand out. The more engaging, the more likely the chance for the video to go viral.


2. Recruitment Videos Increase Hiring on Job Boards

According to Indeed, positions that are posted to the site have a significantly stronger chance of being filled more quickly when they include a recruitment video.

Job seekers look for recruiting videos to help them understand what a business is like, what working for the brand will feel like, and what others think about the business. To attract more applicants, especially more qualified applicants, to your job post, include a recruitment video!

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3. Recruitment Videos Lower Recruiting Costs

Remember what we just said about videos helping recruiters to fill job roles more quickly? Well, that’s kind of where this next reason ties in. Recruitment videos help HR departments to fill the empty job role quickly and efficiently.

They also help candidates to gain a stronger understanding of what a business is like and whether it’s the right fit for them. This reduces the number of unqualified or under-qualified applicants that apply for the role. The result: lower recruitment costs for brands just like yours!

4. Millennial Applicants Crave Video

Millennials aren’t looking for a long job description with minimal background on the business itself. They want to know what a business looks like, how employees act and interact, what the role entails–and they want to see it all in action; This makes your business more human to them and therefore more “real”. Millennial applicants crave video content. If you’re not delivering these details to potential applicants via video, you’re missing out on this entire audience.

Millennials are much more likely to watch a recruiting video than they are to read your entire job description. As you consider your hiring tactics in the coming years, recruitment video production is likely to become a key player in your HR tasks, otherwise, you’ll be left behind.

happy excited

Ready to produce recruitment videos that will bring strong, qualified applicants to your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We can’t wait to help you out!

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