4 Benefits of Making a Pharmaceutical Marketing Video

There’s no doubt, video is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry and giving rise to new ways for big brands to train, engage, and deliver the ultimate experience for consumers. Producing a pharmaceutical marketing video has several major benefits beyond the typical increased traffic and conversions that you would expect from a marketing initiative. Video marketing for pharmaceutical businesses can help you to achieve new heights with your brand in terms of greater recognition, higher ROI, and stronger consumer retention for your brand. Checkout these amazing benefits of making a pharmaceutical marketing video to promote your medical products or manufacturing services.

Pharmaceutical Marketing Video

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#1. Higher Engagement for Your Brand

A pharmaceutical marketing video will not just provide stronger content for you to share on social media and your website, it produces content that is almost guaranteed to result in higher engagement for your brand.

In fact, in recent studies, video performed up to 95% better than written text in terms of producing engagement and retention of the content. Consumers remember up to 95% more of what they see in video versus what they read.

Additionally, pharmaceutical brands that use marketing videos to engage consumers saw higher conversion rates (sometimes 8X greater conversions!)

Pharmaceutical Market Video

#2. Video Consumed More Frequently than Written Media

Patients and those in the medical community crave video content. In fact, by making a pharmaceutical marketing video for your company you are welcoming an entirely new flood of followers to engage with your brand.

Up to 85% of patients report that they booked a service or treatment with a medical provider following their view of a video related to the brand. Video is consumed 2:1 compared to written media.

Therefore, if marketing videos for your pharmaceutical brand can boost your exposure while you build satisfied customer leads.


#3. Train & Teach for Higher Conversions

People won’t purchase your products or services if they don’t understand them. But when you make a pharmaceutical marketing video that showcases how to get the most out of the products or services that you provide you can generate higher conversions with minimal effort.

Simply using explainer videos and animations to help your prospects better understand complex topics or products that you offer can make a world of difference in your sales conversions.

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#4. Higher Click Through Rates

The addition of a pharmaceutical marketing video to your website, emails and other campaigns will improve click through rates and help you generate higher ROI for your marketing initiatives.

In a recent study, open to reply rates on email campaigns that included a video were increased by as much as 8X compared to those without a video. Additionally, email click through rates are at least 50% higher for campaigns that include video versus those without interactive media.

For best effects, consider including video in all of your email campaigns to boost conversions across the board. Ready to get started with the creation of a pharmaceutical marketing video that will engage and entertain your audience? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!