How to Record a Remote Video Interview
Filming a remote interview is certainly something that has become more popular with the change in times following COVID-19 and lockdowns that took place across much of the nation. In fact, now, more than ever before, we find ourselves filming remote video interviews. If you’re not sure how to record a remote video interview, or what steps you can take to truly maximize the quality of your footage, this post is for you!
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Recording a compelling video interview is something that adds value to a number of different video projects. From case studies to testimonials, the video interview is widely accepted as a must in the industry.
But, if you’re solely filming remote these days, what steps can you take to make sure you capture the interviewee in his or her best?
We’ve got a list of steps and practices for you to follow as you learn how to record a remote video interview that engages and entertains your desired audience.
No matter what it is that’s holding you back from filming on set or in the studio, be it travel restrictions or social distancing, these tips will keep you filming professionally, even when studio filming isn’t an option.
Quick Tips on How to Record a Remote Video Interview
Before you plan your interview recording, make sure that you have a dependable internet connection and that you’ve got your audio in place. There’s nothing more frustrating and harder to focus on than an interview in which either the interviewer or interviewee, or both, are difficult to hear!
Or, when the interview cuts out periodically due to internet downtime issues. Avoid both of these potential problems by checking your uptime prior to recording and taking steps to ensure you’ve got the best internet connection possible if filming a live interview.
If you’re using remote video equipment to film the interview which will be edited in post-production, and will not be distributed via live feed, the internet connection won’t matter so much– or at all really.
Follow these quick tips on how to record a remote video interview to get started:
#1. Plan your interview first. A script isn’t necessarily important but it is a good idea to let your interviewee know the questions you will ask them to answer so that they can formulate a response ahead of time.
#2. Know the goal of your interview before conducting the interview. What is it you wish to achieve with the interview? Trust? Social Proof? Insight?
#3. Choose Your Interviewee Wisely. You don’t want to interview someone that your audience will struggle to connect with. It’s also important that you choose an interviewee that can speak to the topic and add value.
#4. Practice makes perfect. While you may not want a full-rehearsed interview if you’re filming a customer testimonial, for other styles of interview content, practice can lead to perfection. Don’t be afraid to walk through the questions several times before filming.
#5. Choose the right equipment. Lighting is important as is your backdrop. Keep it simple, to the point, but not overly busy. You also need to make sure you’ve got at least two camera setups on tripods in order to capture the interview from a side angle and a front angle for best end-results.
How to Choose Equipment for Recording Remote Video Interviews
Now that you know the basics, let’s discuss how you can go about choosing your equipment. You have several options when it comes to recording remote video interviews. Like we previously mentioned, you want to have at least two cameras and two tripod setups.
This way you can capture two views of the interview simultaneously and save yourself time. It is possible to capture both views without two cameras, but you’ll have to conduct the interview twice and the footage will naturally be different in doing so.
Learning how to record a remote video interview requires an understanding of the equipment needs for basic video production in a remote location.
Consider the following:
-A lapel mic to ensure best capture of audio from both your interviewer and interviewee.
-A shotgun mic if a lapel isn’t an option or as a backup audio capture source.
-A third camera if possible to capture close up footage.
-Backup batteries for all equipment.
-Backup storage such as flash drives to ensure you can capture the entire interview and any related footage with ease.
-A webcam if capturing an interview for immediate live-stream.
At Beverly Boy Productions we provide video production drop kits to help those learning how to record a remote video interview get the most out of the production by using professional quality equipment. Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more!