5 Ways Movie & Film Production Companies Differ from Commercial Production Companies

Filmmaking is a complex business with a lot of working parts. In fact, film production can be quite confusing to someone who’s entirely new to the industry and just trying to navigate the various opportunities or solutions available. Movie & film production companies are one of several core types of production companies that exist to deliver distinct media solutions to those seeking to create video for various audiences. 

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Commercial production companies represent another film production solution. Unlike movie/film production companies, which primarily produce big screen hits like those we watch in theaters or on television, commercial production companies produce a variety of video types including short-films, commercials, teasers, and many other types of video for area business owners. 

Movie & film production companies actually have several key differences when compared to the work provided by commercial production companies.

Understanding these differences can help you in deciding which type of production companies is most suitable for your media production needs.

When you come to the decision of hiring a commercial production company to work with, give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 and we’ll get your video project started!

1. Movie Film Production Companies Produce Major Films

Probably the most notable difference between commercial production and movie or film production companies is the type of content they each produce. Movie & film production companies, as previously stated, produce major motion picture films or animated features.

You might recognize them by big names like Warner Brothers, Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures.

Commercial production companies, on the other hand, tend to create more short-form content. They generally produce commercials, documentaries, short-films, and various other types of content for businesses and brands.

2. Film Production Companies Target the General Public

Think about the audience that films like The Secret Life of Pets, Med in Black, Mission Impossible, Trolls and Transformers targeted. They are broad, large, and widespread.

Now think about the audience for a typical business, such as a local retailer, a lawyer, or an online eCommerce seller. The audience can certainly be large, and widespread, but it’s going to be a fraction of that targeted by a movie.

Essentially, movie/film production companies target massive audiences with their content while most content produced by a commercial production company is targeted to a predefined audience described by the business owner for which the video is produced.

3. Movie Production Companies Largely Fund their Film Production Projects

Filmmaking isn’t cheap, and producing a major motion picture for the big screen can cost tens or potentially hundreds of millions of dollars.

The production budget for a movie production company is largely funded by the production company which draws funding from investors and their own revenues from past projects.

They are willing to invest their money into the production because they expect a high rate of return when the movie hits the box office. 

Likewise, commercial production companies produce content for businesses. The production budget is paid for by the business owner who pays the commercial production company the agreed upon price that was set forth in the beginning of the project. 

This type of production is also far less expensive for many reasons including the fact that commercial films are typically very short, do not use expensive Hollywood actors/actresses, and are produced with much more limited budgets in mind.

4. Commercial Production Companies Own Less Space

A film production company will usually have all of the space that they need to produce hit films including prop houses, sound stages, equipment, post-production facilities, hardware and software, networks, satellites and whatever is required to pull off the production.

Likewise, a commercial production company will own essential equipment, but they often rent studio space for filmmaking.

They typically do not own massive filmmaking facilities, buildings, or other extravagant locations – they go where the production takes them, renting space and necessities as they go.

5. Commercial Production Companies Work for Businesses 

As a commercial production company, Beverly Boy Productions works FOR you, our client.

The difference between us and many movie film production companies is that we will do whatever it takes to make you (our customer) a satisfied customer that has a video that performs the intended task desired for your business to succeed.

Likewise, movie & film production companies work for various markets and may even have their own production teams, however, they may hire a commercial production company to come on board and assist with their filming of a movie.