Power in the Proof: 4  Reasons Video Testimonials are a Must for your Brand

Few things are as important as social proof and the reputation that your brand has with prospects, customers, and your community. In fact, with proof that your brand is what you say, the sky’s the limit in terms of sales and customer interactions. If you don’t already have video testimonials for your brand, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to provide social proof to prospective customers. Here are several reasons why video testimonials are a must for your brand.

 1. 78% Consumers Buy Based on Recommendations

Not recommendations from their friends or family or acquaintances, recommendations from online reviews and video testimonials from people they’ve never met!

That’s right, you heard it, consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service if they see a customer testimonial video even if the customer is someone that they have never met.

If your brand has customer testimonials that resemble similar demographics to the consumer interested in the product or service, you’ll almost certainly succeed at increasing the overall trust prospects have in your brand and you’ll see an increase in sales as a result.

2. Customer Testimonials Evoke Emotional Connections

Written testimonials are great, but they cannot evoke the same level of emotional connection that a video testimonial can for your brand. In fact, testimonial videos help consumers to feel more emotionally connected because video allows the prospect to see the customer’s face when he or she talks about your brand.

The video also allows the prospect to  hear what the customer has to say and, in doing so, the prospect can determine whether he believes the content is genuine or not. For this reason, it is absolutely VITAL that you do not forge customer testimonial videos–prospects will sense the lack of a genuine testimonial!

3. Testimonial Videos are Powerful & Affordable

While video content is certainly more expensive than most written content, there are significant benefits to the customer testimonial and these benefits should outweigh any benefit of a written testimonial.

Customer testimonial videos don’t require a written script or storyboard and they don’t require intense production efforts to produce powerful content. Customer testimonials can be produced at an affordable rate, even if you hire a professional customer testimonial video production company to help you out.

Top quality video testimonials prove to prospects that your brand is worthy of their trust. Consumers who trust you are more likely to purchase from you.

Video testimonials place your business in the mind of the consumer and evoke trust which is a major factor in your potential to generate revenue from sales.

 4. Trust is Common Element in Conversions

In order to sell more products or services you must build trusting relationships with the consumer. A consumer that has no trust in your brand will not purchase from you–period.

However, a consumer that has seen your customer testimonial video knows that other consumers trust in your brand and are purchasing your products or service. If they are happy, so too can the prospect–right?

This is the general line of communication that is laid for the consumer that watches your customer testimonial videos for the first, or any other time. Ready to produce customer testimonial videos that prove your brand’s value and benefits to the consumer?

Give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We’ll immediately get started on producing high-quality customer testimonials that will help your business grow.