How Many Customer Testimonial Videos Do I Need?
How Many Customer Testimonial Videos Do I Need? A great customer testimonial is powerful and beneficial to your marketing mix, so a lot of great customer testimonials must be really powerful and really beneficial to your marketing mix, right? Yes, sort of. You definitely want more than one customer testimonial on your side, but exactly how many customer testimonial videos you need depends on a number of different factors.
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In fact, determining an exact number of testimonial videos that’s right for you really requires more than just a quick decision.
Beverly Boy Productions filming a customer testimonial video production
While it would be great if you could have a customer testimonial video for every happy client, the task would probably be cost-prohibitive. However, that’s not to say that having many customer testimonials, if you can afford them, isn’t a great idea!
But, most of us don’t have an unlimited budget to work with, and therefore we need to devise a figure that helps us to best understand how many testimonials will do the trick while remaining without our budget too.
To help you understand how many testimonials you should aim for, keep the following information in mind.
You have a diverse customer base. Some of your customer likely have related demographic features for instance, you may have a set of customers that are moms and another set of customers that are young women and another set of customers that are elderly.
In this kind of situation, you can’t reasonably think that a single customer testimonial that was provided by a young mother will resonate with your entire customer base. Therefore, you should consider the relevancy of your testimonials and how they will reach your audience.
Ideally, you’ll want a testimonial from a consumer that falls within each major demographic of your customer base. This way, there’s always a testimonial from a consumer that your current audience can resonate with.
Think about the different consumer audiences that you are marketing to and consider customer testimonials that are segmented in a similar fashion just as your marketing efforts are.
Solutions Based
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Prospective customers are considering your product or service based on whether or not they believe it will provide a solution that impacts their lives.
Customer testimonials should discuss the solutions that your business provided for each customer relative to their needs. If needs change, and the solutions offered by your business also change, make sure that your customer testimonials reflect these changes.
Attract Prospective Customers
You certainly don’t want for your customers to primarily use your product because it is locally available in a particular area, and not have a customer testimonial that states they use the product because it is locally available.
Think of all the people that you’re missing out on by not having a testimonial that those locals can resonate with. Remember, your prospective customers need to be able to resonate with your product and solution.
Show that your product or service is the go-to solution for a problem that consumers are dealing with and make sure that you have updated testimonials that change with the times as consumers change how and why they use your product or service.
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Geographic & Demographic
Make sure that if you sell a product or service that is geographic in nature you are getting customer testimonials from each geographic region. This will help others to geographically connect with your product or service and trust your brand since others in the area also trust the brand.
Likewise, if you appeal to a certain demographic set of people, now is also the time to make sure that your customer testimonials are targeting that demo too.
Testimonials should represent each major location, size, solution, and need for your audience in order to maximize the power of the testimonials and gain the most bang for your video production buck.
How Many Customer Testimonial Videos Do I Need?
We can help answer that. Ready to start producing customer testimonial videos that will build strong relationships with your prospects and your business? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today to get started!
We’ll walk you through the process of building out powerful customer testimonial videos that will engage your viewers, build trust and drive sales for your brand! With two decades of experience and worldwide operations ready to serve you, we can’t wait to get started!