7 Keys to Booking the Right Film Production Companies in Tampa

With more than 80% of all internet searches made up of video and literally millions of hours of video watched online each day, there’s no question as to the importance of video in marketing. Yet, many business owners are not fully sure of where to begin when it comes to hiring a video production crew for their projects. Checking references, defining your project goals, and closely communicating with providers are just a few of the major keys to booking the right film production companies in Tampa to work with.

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We’ve listed several others below:

1. Define Your Video Goals and Objectives

The first step to booking the right film production companies in Tampa takes place long before you start your Google search for companies.

It begins with defining your video project and the goals for that particular content. Knowing what type of video you want to create and the goals or purpose of the video will help you to define the most appropriate production crew for the job.

2. Research Local Film Production Companies in Tampa

The next big step to hiring the best film production companies in Tampa is to make a list of your options.

This means a Google search for local production companies, a few phone calls to friends or other local business owners to find out if anyone you know has references they would like to share, and maybe even a visit to the local film commission.

These are all great resources to connect you with area film production companies in Tampa that can help with your project.

3. Research Experience & Techniques

You know what style of video you want and why, you’ve got your list of potential film production companies in Tampa to work with, now it’s time to research their skills and techniques to decide whether any of them are a potential good fit for your project.

This step will take up much of your time, but it shouldn’t be rushed! Take your time and research the qualifications of each of the film production companies in Tampa that you’re considering. You’ll be happy that you did your homework!

4. Check References

Do not hire any film production companies in Tampa without checking their references! Ever!

It’s important to check references so that you can get a firsthand opinion from someone that has already worked with the crew before and knows what they are capable of and what it’s like to work with them.

Ask the reference sources what they liked and disliked about the crew, whether they would work together again, and if not — why!

While a reference that says they would not work with a company again isn’t a guaranteed red flag, it is certainly something that you should follow up on carefully and closely.

5. Define Budget & Timeline

You’ve got your list of potential film production companies in Tampa to work with, you’ve checked references, and you’re moving along.

Now it’s time to define the budget for your project and the appropriate timeline for completion so that you can share that information with the potential providers that you’re considering. 

You don’t want to hire someone that cannot complete your project within your expected timeline nor do you want to hire someone that is largely out of your budget.  These are important considerations for you to make before you decide on the best team to hire.

6. Have a Chat, In-Person

BBP meeting

Your list should be narrowed down pretty significantly now based on the techniques and skills that each of the film production companies in Tampa has and how they apply to your project.

Each of your current options should be within your budget and able to complete your project within the estimated timeline. Now it’s time to have an in-person chat with the crew to decide whether they are a good fit for your project or not. 

Chatting in person allows you to determine whether the corporate culture connections are tied between the film production companies in Tampa that you consider and your own team.

You’ve got to be able to communicate and get along well together in order for your project to be a success.

7. Ask for Quotes & Final Project Outlines in Writing

Booking the right film production companies in Tampa requires a lot of work and by the time you get to the final stages, it’s important to start thinking about the importance of contracts and keeping everything that you’ve discussed so far in writing.

When you’ve narrowed your list down to just a few options, ask for the quotes in writing. This way you can compare and contract before you make your final decision.