Enjoy Contactless Demos with a Client Onboarding Video

Enjoy Contactless Demos with a Client Onboarding Video Contactless demonstrations of the products and services that you sell can help you to retain customers in the early stages of the sale without risking your health or safety. COVID-19 has altered the perception that people have towards face-to-face interactions with others outside their immediate family or […]

5 Tips for Great New Employee Orientation Videos

5 Tips for Great New Employee Orientation Videos  Employee orientation videos allow for optimal employee onboarding without the added interruption of corporate managers spending time showing employees the ropes and explaining the processes that are so vital to understand when you first start at a job. And, while onboarding will generally require the assistance of […]

Types of Training Videos Every Business Should Have

Types of Training Videos Every Business Should Have Training videos come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and formats for businesses. The format that works for you is dependent on the training goals you have for your employees and the industry that your business is in. Some business industries are best suited to professional, presentation-style […]

5 Ways Internal Customer Service Training Videos Boost ROI

5 Ways Internal Customer Service Training Videos Boost ROI Customer service is vital to businesses. At the highest end of the spectrum, great customer service is responsible for increased sales and satisfaction among the brand. At the lowest end, poor customer service can lead to unsatisfied consumers, a bad name for the brand and a […]

How to Make Onboarding Engaging with Video

How to Make Onboarding Engaging with Video Onboarding can be a long and boring process or it can be an exciting and engaging entrance into a new role–which would you prefer your onboarding program be defined as? With more millennials coming into the workforce than ever before, it’s important to make employee onboarding an engaging […]

What to Include in Company Culture Videos for Maximum Engagement

What to Include in Company Culture Videos for Maximum Engagement How do you make funny, interesting, elaborate company culture videos that will earn the engagement of your audience? Whether you’re a big name brand with a strong culture looking to share your company with the world or you’re a tiny office on the west side […]

4 Ways New Employee Training Videos are Saving Businesses Time & Money

4 Ways New Employee Training Videos are Saving Businesses Time & Money Employee training videos are the latest form of content to be considered by corporate professionals, but are they worth the investment? Few businesses would disagree with investing in the training and development of employees, because improved talent is almost always beneficial, right? However, […]

5 Qualities of the Best Onboarding Videos

5 Qualities of the Best Onboarding Videos A great onboarding video can be used to effectively prepare a new customer or employee for the next steps in his or her role within the company. For new customers, onboarding improves the customer experience and offers a way of answering early questions and preparing the customer to […]