New York Funeral Live Streaming Services

Family members and friends that aren’t near New York may have a difficult time showing up at a funeral service for a loved one, especially if they have to travel hundreds of miles away or during a time when sickness impedes them from travelling. New York funeral live streaming services can help these people still have the opportunity to attend […]

How much does it cost to produce a commercial in New York City?

How much does it cost to produce a commercial in New York City_

How much does it cost to produce a commercial in New York City? This is a common question that we get at least a dozen times each week. There is really no easy answer here because the TV commercial production cost is determined by your needs and wants. Whether you are looking to air your commercial on local cable through Spectrum […]

How much does a Manhattan camera crew cost?

How much does a Manhattan camera crew cost? Simply put, the price of a Manhattan camera crew depends on the ideas you may have. Do you need a camera operator to film your footage in less than a day? Or do you want a few camera operators filming footage for the whole day? You’ll find that Manhattan Camera crew pay rates depend on […]

How much does a Queens camera crew cost?

How much does a Queens camera crew cost? Simply put, the cost of a Queens camera crew depends on what you have in mind to create. Will it mean hiring a camera operator to work on your project in less than half a day or will you need two or three camera operators filming footage for the whole day? Queens Camera crew […]

How Much Does a New York Camera Crew Cost?

How much does a New York camera crew cost? The cost of the New York camera crew you hire will largely depend on what the project consists of. Are you going to require one camera operator who can film what you need in less than a day? Or would you like to set-up for camera operators filming footage for a […]

Top 10 Draws to Hiring Video Production Services in New York

Top 10 Draws to Hiring Video Production Services in New York Filmmakers are drawn to NYC for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s the diversity of the many unique and thriving neighborhoods of the city, or the prominence of industry vendors that can be found operating throughout town, video production services in New York certainly […]

Top 10 Reasons to Film Your Video Production in New York

Top 10 Reasons to Film Your Video Production in New York Filmmaking in New York City is more popular than in any other city in the entire world. They say more shots are taken in this city than anywhere else. A quick trip to the city will help you to understand why so many are […]

How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in New York

How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in New York Live streaming an event is something that many businesses hardly considered prior to 2020 when widespread business closures resulted from the Government’s decision to demand all non-essential businesses stay closed to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Since then, many New York City business […]

How to Land Video Production Jobs in New York City

How to Land Video Production Jobs in New York City The New York City video production industry is one of the most competitive markets there is. Notorious for its steep competition and equally known for the opportunities that can come from the city, the New York film scene has long been attractive to aspiring filmmakers […]

Colleges and Universities Live Stream in New York

Colleges and Universities Live Stream in New York History has shown just how important certain steps are in reducing the spread of this virus that can impact our communities in serious ways. The phenomenon known as “Flattening the Curve” has spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, learning centers such as colleges and universities are now looking at […]