What Legal Documents will I Need to Film on Private Property?
No matter where you go, film laws and regulations are going to vary. By city, by state, and by individual property. In the most black and white setting. And in which you are filming on private property owned by someone. The law is simple and states that you must seek permission. Both to be on […]
How to Get Permission to Use a Song in a Film
How to Get Permission to Use a Song in a Film Filmmakers frequently find themselves in situations in which copyrighted music is included in their work. Either because they just love a particular song or musical piece so much that they cannot help but to include it. However, as any filmmaker knows, figuring out how […]
Do You Need Permission to Film at Disneyland?
Filming at Disney or Disneyland is certainly a consideration that many filmmakers have. The iconic landmarks of the theme park and amazing sights to behold are certainly awe inspiring. It’s also something that can add profound interest to any film! But do you need permission to film at Disneyland? If permission is required, what are […]
When is an Actor Release Form Required for Film Production?
When is an Actor Release Form Required for Film Production? If you’re producing a video for commercial use, understanding how the talent or actor release forms work is an important part of the process. In fact, anyone in the film industry knows that release forms are an important aspect of the production process. It simply […]
How to Get Permission to Film in the U.S. Capitol
As an author, you might be pleasantly surprised if a production company were to approach you with the idea of producing your book into a movie. The authors of copyrighted books often give permission to filmmakers to produce adaptations of their book on film, but at what cost? How much do book authors receive for film […]
How to Get Permission to Use a Song in a Short Film
Whether you’re producing a short film, commercial, or similar video. There’s a very strong chance that you’ll want to incorporate music into the production. However, if you aren’t a musician, you’ll most definitely need to use a song that’s already been written and recorded by an artist. And that means you’ll need to ask permission. […]
How to Get Permission to Film in a Restaurant
If you’re producing a film that requires shots from a restaurant, you’re going to need permission before you get started. As with any film production, seeking permission ahead of time is key! Be it to preventing any mishaps or problems during production. But how? Figuring out how to get permission to film in a restaurant […]
What is Soliloquy in Films & What does it Mean?
What is Soliloquy in Films & What does it Mean? In filmmaking, many different literary devices and techniques are used to drive the story and deliver key insights into the characters, building each character up as the narrative is delivered. Much like in writing a novel or in other forms of storytelling, the soliloquy is […]
What is a Louver?
What is a Louver? In filmmaking, so many terms are used to describe different elements, items, and situations. Perhaps you’ve heard the term louver. Ever wonder what is a louver? And what does it have to do with filmmaking? You’re certainly not alone! As the louver represents a unique means of light control. One that […]
What Does Tour De Force Mean?
What Does Tour De Force Mean? Have you ever watched a film in which a character accomplished some incredible feat. And did so with a display of great strength and skill? What about a film that you’ve seen which you just think to yourself, if you know, you know. Some films are such an exceptional […]