How to Shoot a Digital Video Interview Like an Expert

How to Shoot a Digital Video Interview Like an Expert Interview videos are basically a staple form for websites used on blogs, product pages, landing pages, in case studies, and as part of the customer testimonial process. If you’re not good creating the digital video interview, you’re not alone! Many business owners find that learning […]

Digital Video Interview Tips for A Professional Case Study Interview

Digital Video Interview Tips for A Professional Case Study Interview Like any interview process, if you’re being interviewed for a case study video, it’s common to feel a little bit nervous about what to expect. Perhaps you’ve never been a part of a case study interview before? Or maybe the idea of a digital video […]

Improving the Digital Video Interview Experience with Cinematic Storytelling Techniques

Improving the Digital Video Interview Experience with Cinematic Storytelling Techniques Have you ever thought of using Cinematic Storytelling Techniques for a digital video interview? Filming a digital video interview is a process that many brands think they can DIY their way through successfully, but can they really? It’s easy to get caught up in filming […]