Everything You Need to Know About Creating a Viral Video Case Study

Everything You Need to Know About Creating a Viral Video Case Study Every marketer or business owner that’s producing any kind of content online has heard the term, “Go viral,” and wished that their content fit the bill. Whether it’s a powerful image that draws upon the emotions of a wide audience, a funny meme […]

Improve Team Safety with a Safety Case Study Video that Represents Your Business

Improve Team Safety with a Safety Case Study Video that Represents Your Business When we talk about the production of a Safety Case Study Video the immediate thought that comes to mind is generally centered around the use of this style of content for marketing purposes and to grow audience trust around the credibility for […]

How to Make a Case Study Video to Promote Your Business

How to Make a Case Study Video to Promote Your Business As a business owner, knowing how to make a case study video that can be used to promote your business or brand is a big step that typically requires the hiring of a professional. However, much of the foundation for the case study, including […]

Where in the Promotional Mix is the Video Case Study?

Where in the Promotional Mix is the Video Case Study? Marketing is a challenging mix of business activities that come together to be called the promotional mix. Some refer to the promotional mix as the 7Ps of marketing, others have various other ideas of what the promotional mix entails, but overall there’s no question that […]

Are Video Interviews Effective for Case Studies?

Are Video Interviews Effective for Case Studies? Case study videos are increasingly being used by business owners to generate trust among consumers, build new client leads, and substantially increase revenue for their brands. The use of video interviews as part of the case study process represents an incredibly powerful format that’s attractive to audiences, but […]

How to Make Effective Case Study Videos that Actually Work

How to Make Effective Case Study Videos that Actually Work Case study videos are incredibly powerful customer reviews or testimonials that can be used to represent your brand in a way that directly impacts the success of your business. Learning how to make effective case study videos for your business is an art that requires […]

This is Why You Need to Create Case Study Videos

This is Why You Need to Create Case Study Videos  Did you know that more than 80% of consumers perform research online prior to making a purchase? Did you know that they’re looking for one specific thing when they do that research and it’s not necessarily price, brand, or style regardless of what it is […]

How to Make a Case Study Video

How to Make a Case Study Video Case study videos can be used for a wide array of marketing initiatives. They can prove to customers that your product or service works and that legitimate, real world problems are best solved with your brand. We’re showing you how to make a case study video and use […]

6 Tips on Creating Effective Case Study Videos

6 Tips on Creating Effective Case Study Videos Creating effective case study videos that you can share with your prospective customers could turn powerful messages and data into conversions. We’re outlining the top 6 tips on creating effective case study videos so that you can get right to the point and start creating. The process […]